Casting question

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Casting question

Grey Alien(Posted 2013) [#1]
Hi all, just checking that the following isn't supposed to work. I'm pretty sure it shouldn't work and I tested it to confirm that, but I needed a sanity check. Thx!

Let's say you have a class called A and you make a class called B extended from A.

Then you do this:

Local newB:B = B(new A)

newB ends up as null because the case failed because the code can't "upgrade" A into B right?

Here's an example. The print statement prints 1 because newB is null.


Import mojo

Function Main:Int()

	Local newB:B = B(New A)
	Print Int(newB = null)
	Return 0

Class A
	Field x:Int
End Class

Class B Extends A
	Field y:Int
End Class

Basically what I'm actually trying to do is create instances by cloning a template.

Normally I'd just use a prototype instance and clone that but the template is extended from another class and I need to clone values from the base class and the extended class. I hoped a simple cast could be applied to the base class instance before I copied the extended class's values to the instance, but realised that would probably fail (hence my test above).

So I figure I've either got to use a Factory Class which I pass into the base class when I clone it or use generics somehow.

Grey Alien(Posted 2013) [#2]
OK here's my Factory Class example. Am I doing this right or is it horrible? Note that the cast to B now succeeds:


Import mojo

Function Main:Int()

	Local newB:B = New B 'template
	Local newInstance:B = B(newB.Clone())
	Print Int(newInstance=Null)
	Return 0

Class A
    Method Clone:A( f:Factory )
    	Local clone:A = f.CreateInstance()
    	'copy fields
    	Return clone
	End Method

Class B Extends A
    Method Clone:A( f:Factory = Null )
	If f=Null Then f = New BFactory
	Local b:B = B(Super.Clone(f))
    	'copy fields
	Return b
    End Method

Interface Factory
    Method CreateInstance:A()

Class AFactory Extends Factory

    Method CreateInstance:A()
        Return New A

Class BFactory Implements Factory

    Method CreateInstance:A()
        Return New B

Or maybe this where I'm using a different method called CloneB that returns B to avoid having to typecast outside of the clone method. Ideally I'd have just used a method called Clone:B( f:Factory = Null ) but the compiler won't let me override the bass class Clone method due to the different return type.


Import mojo

Function Main:Int()

	Local newB:B = New B 'template
	Local newInstance:B = newB.CloneB()
	Print Int(newInstance=Null)
	Return 0

Class A
    Method Clone:A( f:Factory )
    	Local clone:A = f.CreateInstance()
    	'copy fields
    	Return clone
	End Method

Class B Extends A
    Method CloneB:B( f:Factory = Null )
	If f=Null Then f = New BFactory
	Local b:B = B(Super.Clone(f))
    	'copy fields
	Return b
    End Method

Interface Factory
    Method CreateInstance:A()

Class AFactory Extends Factory

    Method CreateInstance:A()
        Return New A

Class BFactory Implements Factory

    Method CreateInstance:A()
        Return New B

Goodlookinguy(Posted 2013) [#3]
newB ends up as null because the case failed because the code can't "upgrade" A into B right?

A is not B, but B is A. That's why you can cast a B instance up to A and from that down to B again, but cannot cast an A instance to B.

I believe that's the answer you're looking for, although to be honest, I wasn't sure what the question was.

Grey Alien(Posted 2013) [#4]
Yes that's the confirmation I needed. I was pretty sure that was the case but I saw some other code example (probably untested) on the forums using casting like that and got confused.

Still, the main issue now is, is my factory code good or horrible? How would you do it?

Goodlookinguy(Posted 2013) [#5]
I can't really comment on that question, as it's very opinionated. Whatever works, works. Don't get too worked up over something that's working. ;}

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2013) [#6]
does your question focus on this?
Local b:B = B(Super.Clone(f))

Yes, this is the way to do it.

It's too bad that monkey does not allow extending a base class method with a derived class.
Class A
  Method CloneMe:A()
    Return New A

Class B Extends A
  Method CloneMe:B() ''Illegal in Monkey unless you return 'A', then cast
    Return New B

NoOdle(Posted 2013) [#7]
Thought of an alternative approach, typed into browser so not tested, requires reflection.

Class BaseItem

	Method Init : BaseItem( copy : BaseItem ) Abstract

	Method Copy : BaseItem( copy : BaseItem )
		Local this : Object = GetClass( copy ).NewInstance()
		Return BaseItem( this ).Init( copy )
	End Method

End Class

Class ItemA Extends BaseItem
	Field x : int

	Method Init : BaseItem( copy : BaseItem )
		If copy <> Null
			Local this : ItemA = ItemA( copy )
			If this
				Self.x = this.x
				Return Self
		'// default init
		Self.x = 100
		Return Self
	End Method

End Class

Class ItemB Extends ItemA

	Field y : Int
	Method Init : BaseItem( copy : BaseItem )
		If copy <> Null
			Local this : ItemB = ItemB( copy )
			If this
				Self.x = this.x
				Self.y = this.y
				Return Self
		'// default init
		Self.x = 100
		Self.y = 150
		Return Self
	End Method
End Class

Grey Alien(Posted 2013) [#8]
Found this and will have a read:

Grey Alien(Posted 2013) [#9]
@AdamRedwoods: Yeah, I tried doing it with method overloading but alas it was rejected so had to cast the return value instead.

Grey Alien(Posted 2013) [#10]
@NoOdle Interesting idea. Seems like it could work!