FileStream path (Monkey69)

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/FileStream path (Monkey69)

golomp(Posted 2013) [#1]

I am testing Fileiotest and Filetest, two sample from Monkey69.

Path indicated in source is :

I tried to change it but it doesnt seems to work on my smartphone.
What represent this parameter ?
What directory does it refer ? (i dont see any "monkey" or "internal" directory)
Can i use an other directory ?
Have i to create the directory before if it doesnt exist ? And how program it ?

I am a little bit lost and for each try i do i must compile, send the apk by ftp, use a ftp connexion to transfer it on my smartphone, erase the last try, install the new try, open it, and watch it fails...

Nobuyuki(Posted 2013) [#2]
Check /docs/html/Resource%20paths.html in your monkey folder for more details, but internal basically represents the app's internal storage. I'm guessing this means inside the package file, but I could be wrong. In most cases, for FileStreams you should specify either a hard location, or one relative to the executable's location unless your file's in the data folder.

If your file's in the data folder, use this: "monkey://data/your_file_here"

golomp(Posted 2013) [#3]
Thank you Nobuyuki, i am going to try your solution..

golomp(Posted 2013) [#4]
Thank you again Nobuyuki, due to your contribution, all my tests are successfull.

This file management implemented by Mark give to me a lot of possibilities.
