How to check for double click?

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/How to check for double click?

Jeit(Posted 2012) [#1]
Likely some simple command, but I have no idea how to check for double clicking. Just need to use it for an if statement

if doubleclick Then ...


Jesse(Posted 2012) [#2]
I don't know if this will be helpful to you. I created a mouse class that take care of double clicks as well as the frame at which the mouse was pressed and the frame at which the mouse was released.
there is probably somebody out here who has a better example
maybe you can extract something from here that can help you:

you need to add mouse.Update() to the top of the "OnCreate" method.
and use mouse.DoubleClick() to check.

you can adjust the double click sensitivity by adjusting the value of "REPEATTIME".

Ferdi(Posted 2012) [#3]
Here is my solution for double clicking. There is a BUT to this code though. Now your single click has a delay of 200ms. Well whatever number you put here:
If (Millisecs() - mouseHitTime) > 200 Then

May be someone has a solution that can do it without the delay. Anyway here is the code:

impixi(Posted 2012) [#4]
Here's my solution (similar to Ferdi's):

Basically, count the number of clicks within a click-initiated time period, and handle accordingly.

TheRedFox(Posted 2012) [#5]
I has something similar to do when looking for a double touch. I went for something general in the form of an EventRecorder and that allows for recording all kind of sequential behaviors that in turn trigger a condition.

Import diddy
Import geometry
Import monkey.math
Import debug

Class RecordEntry

Field location:HOPoint
Field pointer:Int
Field occuredOn:Int

Method New(x:Int,y:Int,pointer:Int)
Self.location = New HOPoint(x,y)
Self.pointer = pointer
Self.occuredOn = Millisecs()


Class EventRecorder

Field recordedQueue: ArrayList<RecordEntry>
Field doubleClickDetectionEnabled:Bool

Const DOUBLE_CLICK_SPATIAL_TOLERANCE := 20 '20 Pixels should be ok. To test.
Const DOUBLE_CLICK_TEMPORAL_TOLERANCE := 500 'in millisecs

Method New()
recordedQueue = New ArrayList<RecordEntry>

Self.Clear() 'Maybe Overkill FIXME

Method Clear:Void()

Method EnableDoubleClickDetection()
Self.doubleClickDetectionEnabled = True

Method DisableDoubleClickDetection()
Self.doubleClickDetectionEnabled = False

Method Record(x,y,pointer)
recordedQueue.AddLast(New RecordEntry(x,y,pointer))

Method DoubleClickDetected:Bool(pointer:Int)
'RULE for double click: two last events recorded are
'more or less on the same place and close enough in time
'and for the same pointer
'and for the specified pointer // TODO

Local occured := false

If (doubleClickDetectionEnabled and (recordedQueue.Size > 1)) Then 'We need to have at least 2 things in the queue

Local last:RecordEntry = recordedQueue.Get(recordedQueue.Size-1)
Local penultimate:RecordEntry = recordedQueue.Get(recordedQueue.Size-2)

If (last.pointer = penultimate.pointer) Then
If ((last.occuredOn - penultimate.occuredOn) < DOUBLE_CLICK_TEMPORAL_TOLERANCE) Then
If (last.location.CloseEnough(penultimate.location,
occured = true
Self.Clear() 'Check how well this works...


Return occured


Gerry Quinn(Posted 2012) [#6]
Good idea taking into account the spatial tolerance. You might want to try to get it in terms of phyical distance (say 5mm) although in some cases that might have to be estimated.