Global List to Field List

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Global List to Field List

teremochek(Posted 2012) [#1]
I use the "Global List", but I want to use "Field List".
In my game a lot of Classes.
Some Classes use "Each in" List.
There is an easy way to replace the "Global List" to the "Field List"?
One way is to move all of the Methods of Classes in the MyGame class. But to use them as a just code. Not as a Method. Then work with this code is not convenient..
Other ideas?

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2012) [#2]
If I understand you correctly, you want to move a global list inside a class.

If the field is public, you can still use Eachin from outside the class, thus:

for local ob:SomeObject = Eachin classInstance.obList long as other classes can access the instance of the class containing the list.

teremochek(Posted 2012) [#3]
Here's an example.

I get an error - "Field `GameObjectList` cannot be accessed from here"

Import mojo

Class GameObject
	    Method Create() Abstract
	    Method Draw() Abstract
		Method Update() Abstract

Public Class Player Extends GameObject
	    Method Create()
	    End Method
	    Method Draw()
	    End Method
		Method Update()
		 For Local g:GameObject = Eachin MyGame.GameObjectList
		   If Player(g) Then Print "good"
        End Method

Public Class MyGame Extends App
   Public Field GameObjectList:List<GameObject> = New List<GameObject>
	Method OnCreate()
		 Print "go"
		 Local g:Player
		 g = New Player()		
    End Method
	Method OnUpdate()	
	  	For Local o:GameObject = Eachin GameObjectList 
	End Method
	Method OnRender()
	End Method				

Function Main:Int()
	New MyGame

Samah(Posted 2012) [#4]
You need to either create a global reference to MyGame, or make the list global within its class.

Either do all of this:
[monkeycode]Global game:MyGame
Public Class Player Extends GameObject
Method OnUpdate()
For Local g:GameObject = Eachin game.GameObjectList
If Player(g) Then Print "good"
End Method
Function Main:Int()
game = New MyGame

Or just this:
[monkeycode]Public Class MyGame Extends App
Global GameObjectList:List<GameObject> = New List<GameObject>

(where ... indicates snipped code)

teremochek(Posted 2012) [#5]
The fact is that I do not want to use global.

Global variable in the class, faster than global variables outside the class ?

Samah(Posted 2012) [#6]
The point is that your game is most likely going to be a singleton, which is why it's OK to store it in a global variable. If the list is related to your game instance, you want it as a field rather than a class level global.