Ted Console out?

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Ted Console out?

Midimaster(Posted 2012) [#1]
Is there a chance to print out (ingame debug) messages on the TED console, like it was in former BMax days?

I miss the possibility to print statements or values to the console and at the moment I use a global variable Debug$, which I can fill during program execution and I display it as a last line...
"DrawText Debug,0,0"
...in the OnRender() function.

But this is not very comfortable....

Tibit(Posted 2012) [#2]
I think:

Print "my debug message "+importantVariable

Does what you want.

I use it alot for debugging myself. You see it in the console in glfw, and in the browers in html5.

Midimaster(Posted 2012) [#3]
thank you for this advice! I never recognized, that the Browser (Html5) displays the PRINT's below the canvas!

Now it s much more comfortable for me!