Subclassed Method Access Issue

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Subclassed Method Access Issue

zoqfotpik(Posted 2012) [#1]
I have a class "widget." This has a subclass "menubutton."

In the following code, I cannot access a method (settitle) that appears in my subclass.

However, if I set my temp variable (thiswidget) to be a subclass object, it is no longer valid because my widgetlist is a list of widgets and not of menubuttons.

Method settitle(number:Int, title:String)
		Local thiswidget:widget = New widget
		For thiswidget = Eachin widgetlist
			Local widgetcounter:Int = 1
			If widgetcounter = number
			widgetcounter = widgetcounter + 1
	End method

If there is no simple mistake I am making I may just use naked buttons in the place where they are needed and hardcode it instead of making a list, I don't need a framework.

muddy_shoes(Posted 2012) [#2]
See if this helps. I'd change other things, but I've tried to minimise changes from your code.

Method settitle(number:Int, title:String)
'Local thiswidget:widget = New widget
'You don't need to construct a widget instance here

'This was being initialised inside the loop.
'It needs to be initialised outside.
'Also, do you mean to start from 1? That's a habit that will get
'confusing with zero-based arrays
Local widgetcounter:Int = 1

For Local thiswidget:widget = Eachin widgetlist

If widgetcounter = number
'test if the widget is a button
Local mb:menubutton = menubutton(thiswidget)
If mb <> Null
Print("Can't set title. Not a button.")

widgetcounter = widgetcounter + 1

zoqfotpik(Posted 2012) [#3]
Thanks for the good help. The reason why I am starting with 1 is because elsewhere I use the list length.

I am having adrenal fatigue from too much coffee and long nights and I am probably missing something obvious-- I troubleshot for 8 hours over a one character typo the other day. But my framework is almost finished, and my first game in Monkey.

I am probably just going to set it up with naked buttons just to get it working-- there are only three of them.

But I will try your code to see if it works.