Double touch detection in Diddy

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Double touch detection in Diddy

TheRedFox(Posted 2012) [#1]
How should I modify inputcache.monkey to support something akin to

OnTouchDoubleClick in Screen?

In inputcache, I've got:
	If Not touchData[pointer].movedTooFar And Not touchData[pointer].firedLongPress Then
				screen.OnTouchClick(x, y, pointer)
				' check to see how fast we were moving to see if we fire a fling
				If touchData[pointer].touchVelocityX * touchData[pointer].touchVelocityX +
						touchData[pointer].touchVelocityY * touchData[pointer].touchVelocityY >=
						flingThreshold * flingThreshold Then
					screen.OnTouchFling(x, y, touchData[pointer].touchVelocityX, touchData[pointer].touchVelocityY,
					touchData[pointer].touchVelocitySpeed, pointer)

I am bit puzzled on how to best do this.

In fact, I want to replace a LongPress, which is not suited to my interaction, with a DoubleTouch.


Samah(Posted 2012) [#2]
Hmm... that's a tricky one. I can look into it for you if you like.

TheRedFox(Posted 2012) [#3]
In fact, I am currently implementing an kind of EventRecorder that is used by my own subclass of Screen and records touches through Method OnTouchClick:Void(x:Int, y:Int, pointer:Int) and hooks into Self.OnTouchDoubleClick(x,y,pointer) if it detects more than two clicks in a row for the same pointer. There is a tolerance introduced there as well but it duplicates the inputcache I think.

It is all about entering answers for exercises. The best would be to have a gesture recognizer where one can draw digits on the screen with the finger but that's for the future :-)