ImageMap returning Float values

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/ImageMap returning Float values

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2011) [#1]
Am I doing this right? I was to use Image as a key for a map.

..or not possible?

Class ImageObject
	Field value:Image
	Method New( value:Image )

Class ImageMap<V> Extends Map<ImageObject, V>

	Method Compare( lhs:Object,rhs:Object )
		Local l:=ImageObject( lhs ).value
		Local r:=ImageObject( rhs ).value
		If l<>r Return 0
		Return 1


Class Tween
	Global mapAlpha:ImageMap<Float> = New ImageMap<Float>

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2011) [#2]
Cannot be done, duh!

You can't compare Images. And no pointers or handles associated with Images.

I thought of trying to use width and height in an extended Map with a custom Get,Set, but it would take too long to iterate through repeats to find the correct Image.

Could use a StringMap, but again the lookup would take too long using Strings.
Not worth it. (Easier to create your own ImageEx class or ultimately a Sprite class)

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2011) [#3]
On second thought, it can be done, thanks to NoOdle:

Import mojo

Class FloatObj

	Field f:Float
	Method New(in:Float)

Class CustomMap<V> Extends Map< Image, V>

	Method Compare : Int( a : Object, b : Object  )
		If a < b Then Return 1
		If a > b Then Return -1
		If a = b Then Return 0
		Return -1
	End Method


Class MyApp Extends App

	Field myMap : CustomMap< FloatObj>

	Field img1:Image
	Field img2:Image
	Method OnCreate()

		SetUpdateRate 30

		myMap = New CustomMap< FloatObj >
		img1 = New Image
		img2 = New Image

		myMap.Set( img1, New FloatObj(4.0) )
		myMap.Set( img2, New FloatObj(6.0) )	
	End Method

	Method OnUpdate()

	End Method

	Method OnRender()

		Local test : FloatObj = myMap.Get( img2 )
		DrawText test.f, 10, 0

		test = myMap.Get( img1 )	
		DrawText test.f, 10, 10

	End Method
End Class

Function Main()
	New MyApp()
End Function