image rgb

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/image rgb

xAD(Posted 2011) [#1]
I don't think there's a Monkey command, but please correct me if I'm wrong, to get the rgb values of a pixel at the x,y coordinates of a particular image.

If reading from a backbuffer were possible, that would work assuming I displayed the image first. I don't necessarily even need to display the image, though. Just need to get the pixel colors.

Is there a free library for doing that which would integrate nicely with Monkey? (and I would totally need instructions for doing that)

(edit: if limited to one format I prefer .png)


Cheese(Posted 2011) [#2]
I second this!
Obtaining the RGB values from pixels on a loaded image could come in handy!

therevilles added GetPixel() to Diddy, which can be used to obtain the RGB values of a pixel from the back buffer via Cartesian coordinates. I made a reply in that thread (which talks about how useful it would be to do this with images) before I saw this thread.

Here's the GetPixel() thread: