shame there is no goto command

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/shame there is no goto command

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#1]
maybe its not concidred professional.
but now that im taking a code from blitz3d
and trying to remake it in monkey,
the lake of goto command makes the translation a harder task.

what was so wrong with goto command that it hadto be eliminated from monkey? did i missed something.

therevills(Posted 2011) [#2]
Goto is evil! It makes spaghetti code, which is hard to read and follow. Funtions and classes make code so much more readable.

Samah(Posted 2011) [#3]
No, it's not a shame at all. Seeing "goto" in code makes my head asplode.
If you find yourself needing a goto, you need to rewrite your code.

MikeHart(Posted 2011) [#4]
Monkey translates to native source code. An as, cpp, java, javascript... all of them don't support GOTO. So if Mark would have wanted to implement such a thing, it would not be possible.

GfK(Posted 2011) [#5]
Maybe monkey/programming isn't for you. all you ever seem to do is complain about everything.

Aman(Posted 2011) [#6]
object oriented programming eliminate the need of using goto. I only used goto in assembler and even with that it made my life miserable. It is so easy to mess things up, hard to debug, hard to read, and not considered good programming at all.

MikeHart, cpp does have a goto command but nobody uses it. I think earlier versions of Java used it too. Because it is still reserved but cannot be used.

Skn3(Posted 2011) [#7]
But how will we ever do:

10 print "goto sux"
20 goto 10


ziggy(Posted 2011) [#8]
Goto? Gosub is way better... :P

MikeHart(Posted 2011) [#9]
@Aman... pst don't tell him, or he wants it to be implemented. :-)

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#10]
Dont tell me whats for me and whats not GfK.
Im a complainer allright. Thats true.

Goto aint professional Ive always knew that.
But its an old habbit I need to get rid off.

I can easly live without it I guess.
just the translation from Blitz3D will become harder.

Or I will what I need from scratch.

Im sure mark.s knows what he is doing and I love monkey prog..
I just need to get used to more pro launaguages because my background is
only Blitz3D if its not clear up till now.

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#11]
Haha I will now Goto Cpp forum and demend to Implant Goto!


therevills(Posted 2011) [#12]
Show us the Blitz3D code you want to convert and we'll help you translate it to Monkey.

Skn3(Posted 2011) [#13]
I do have found memories of organising code by line number and deciding after writting hundereds of lines of code that i needed to infact have more line numbers inserted! .. oh what fun that was!

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#14]
Thanks therevills.
Its not that I dont know how, its just gonna be a little bit harder
to convert it.
Its some kind of a Database controller that I need for saving purposes
and im using line parsing and reqursive functions.

All my goto's were only inside Functions and not in the main code.
Im really glad to git rid of Goto if its really concidred bad programing.

MikeHart(Posted 2011) [#15]
If they are in a function, then you can easily use it as an if statement, if you jump down, or a loop statement if you had jumped upwards to a label.


'Goto jump downwards------------------
Function foo()
	If a=b Then goto label1

'replaced by if statement
Function foo()
	If a<>b Then

'Example goto jump upwards
Function foo()
	If a < 10 Then goto label1

'Becomes a repeat until loop--------
Function foo()
	Until  a= 10

FlameDuck(Posted 2011) [#16]
But how will we ever do:
While true
  Print "goto sux"
End While

Goto aint professional Ive always knew that.
It's not really a matter of "being professional". There are probably hundreds of professional programmers who use goto every day. Instruction set wise it's simply a branch instruction to the CPU, just as a function or method invocation.

So why do so many people consider goto a really bad habit? Because they work in languages where it is unnecessary, and more importantly, can break the call stack, leading to bugs and random crashes that are next to impossible to debug. Essentially goto is only evil if stability and maintainability is important to you. Thankfully 25 years of being forced to use Microsoft products has given the general public a low tolerance for software that is buggy and obsolete.

Im really glad to git rid of Goto if its really concidred bad programing.
It is "Considered harmful". You can read the original paper on why, if you really want to know more.

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#17]
seems i had a lot less goto's in my blitz3d code then i expected.
therefor converting will be easyer then i predicted.

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2011) [#18]
It would be nice to be able to exit from a Select block.

AndyGFX(Posted 2011) [#19]
Simple workaround for exit from "Select":

Function SelectMe:Int(aa:Int)

	Select aa
		Case 0 
			Print "0"
			Return 0
		Case 1 
			Print "1"
		Case 2 
			Print "2"
	End Select

	Print ("Select at End")
	Return 0

Function Main()


Select at End
Select at End

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2011) [#20]
What I meant was I'd like to have:

Select aa

case 1
If ( condition ) Exit

case 2


Of course it's easy to implement with If statements but it would be nice to have a quick exit available.

York(Posted 2011) [#21]
Function SelectMe:Void( v%, x% )

	Select v
	       Case 10
		     Print "Test"
		     If x = 11 Then Return 
		     Print "You can see me only if x <> 11 xD"
               Case 11
	End Select
End Function 

Goodlookinguy(Posted 2011) [#22]
Gerry, do you mean exit, like the break command in C. The parser automatically detects it as each new case starts and won't run through the other cases. Besides that, it converts the select statements to if statements in the output, so there's no chance of it running through them anyways.

There was a topic on it a bit ago:

Also, this will do what you wanted above
Select aa
	Case 1
		' This will run the function if the conditions are not met
		If ( Not condition ) Then DoStuff()
	Case 2

HTML5 output, for instance, will be something like this

var bbt_aa = 1;
var bbt_ = bbt_aa;
if( bbt_ == 1 )
	if( !condition )
	if( bbt_ == 2 )

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2011) [#23]
Exactly, I just would like a break statement! I know Monkey does not fall through Case blocks anyway, but sometimes it makes the logic a little clearer not to have to write:

  Case n
    If ( Not condition )

It's a small thing and I'm not breaking my heart over its absence.

I suppose some would also argue that not having it gives you the option of using Select to decide whether to exit from a For or Do loop that encloses the Select statement!

DruggedBunny(Posted 2011) [#24]
I was actually wishing for the same thing in BlitzMax recently, wanting a way to conditionally exit before running the rest of the code in the selected case, ie.

thing = 1
something = 1

Select thing

    Case 1

        If something Then Exit ' Or Break...

        NotDoingThisNow ()
        OrThis ()
        DefinitelyNotDoingThis ()
        AndAsForThis ()

    Case 2

        Etc ()


In my case it was mainly to get out early to avoid processing a ton of data while I was testing to see what cases came up where. (JPEG file parser, reading unfamiliar data.)

clevijoki(Posted 2011) [#25]
Isn't "Exit" the Break break statement?

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#26]
happy to get rid of goto (i think)

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2011) [#27]
Well, it's up to Mark. I guess he will probably take the view that changing it now will break existing code, and it's not important enough for that. (A workaround would be to have a special syntax such as "Exit Select".)

On the subject of Goto, I say give us the gun and let us decide whether to fire it. Personally I almost never use it, not so much even from fear of spaghetti code as the simple ugliness of code with labels sticking out from the flow! Still, you can never be sure it will not sometimes be the best of some bad options.

therevills(Posted 2011) [#28]
Monkey is an OO language and Goto does not have any place in an OO language.

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#29]

XanthorXIII(Posted 2011) [#30]
The OP is trolling for responses on this. There is no reasonable need or want for a GOTO statement in any programming language these days.

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#31]
I Agree! now im going to eat..

Amon(Posted 2011) [#32]
After you eat how about you go code? If you don't I swear to lucifer you will burn!

Also, if none of you finish your games............the bunny gets it.

Beaker(Posted 2011) [#33]
DruggedBunny - you can cheat it like this in BlitzMax:

Local thing:Int = 1
Local something:Int = 1

	Select thing
	    Case 1
	        If something Then Exit blah
		Print "here"
	    Case 2
	        Print "never here"
	End Select
Until False
'exit to here
Print "here2"


hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#34]
I code all the and all night . here is the sum of all my longtime work...

10 Print"Hardcoal"
20 Goto 10

Thats a results of a hard work of at least 10 months of coding and debugging.

my mom is really proud of me right mom?

mom?? mom??

FlameDuck(Posted 2011) [#35]
The OP is trolling for responses on this. There is no reasonable need or want for a GOTO statement in any programming language these days.
Except first and second generation programming languages. Like Assembly or Shaders.

jalski(Posted 2011) [#36]
Actually GOTO can still be quite handy on error handling and recovery situations.