Drawing commands from within Methods go boom.

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Drawing commands from within Methods go boom.

ErikT(Posted 2011) [#1]
I get the below error in the browser for html5 and TypeError: Error #1009 for flash builds. This happens whenever I try to use Drawline/Drawrect commands from within a Method.


TypeError: Cannot convert 'bb_graphics_renderDevice' to object

Code in question:

Method Draw(offsetx:Float = 0, offsety:Float = 0, boundingbox:Int = False)
	DrawLine (tl_corner.x - offsetx, tl_corner.y - offsety, br_corner.x - offsetx, tl_corner.y - offsety)', False)
	DrawLine (br_corner.x - offsetx, tl_corner.y - offsety, br_corner.x - offsetx, br_corner.y - offsety)', False)
	DrawLine (br_corner.x - offsetx, br_corner.y - offsety, tl_corner.x - offsetx, br_corner.y - offsety)', False)
	DrawLine (tl_corner.x - offsetx, br_corner.y - offsety, tl_corner.x - offsetx, tl_corner.y - offsety)', False)
End Method

Any ways around this?

therevills(Posted 2011) [#2]
I think we need more code to look at to help you.

Are you setting up the mojo app correctly?

ErikT(Posted 2011) [#3]
The mojo app is set up within the collision module where the tlBox class is. Without it I get an error: Identifier 'DrawLine' not found.

	bbdoc: Type For handling Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes
	about: <p>This type can be used To create bounding boxes For the purpose of collision checking. This is the type used To stored objects in #tlQuadTree. It's
	extended by #tlCircle And #tlPolygon. To implement collision checking in you game/app will probably End up inlcluding these as a Field within
	your own types, And possibly extending these types so that they can contain a Field linking back To your own entity/actor types. Use #SetPosistion And #Move
	To align them in your game world, using these methods also ensures that they will be updated within the quadtree If they belong in one.</p>
	<p>It's worth noting that if you want a bounding box that can be orientated then create a 4 sided poly using a #tlPolygon.</p>
	<p>The world coordinates are stored as a vector within the Field World, so you can use world.x And world.y To retreive the coordinates of the box.</p>
Class tlBox

	Field vertices:tlVector2[]
	Field tformvertices:tlVector2[]
	Field normals:tlVector2[]
	Field tformmatrix:tlMatrix2 = New tlMatrix2
	Field tl_corner:tlVector2	'top left corner
	Field br_corner:tlVector2	'bottom right corner
	Field width:Float
	Field height:Float
	Field quadlist:TList = CreateList()	'list of quad nodes this rect is in
	Field quads:Int						'number of quads the rect is in
	Field AreaCheckCount:Int
	Field quadtree:tlQuadTree
	Field collisiontype:Int
	Field world:tlVector2
	Field boxoffset:tlVector2 = New tlVector2
	Field scale:tlVector2 = New tlVector2
	Field velocity:tlVector2 = New tlVector2
	Field handle:tlVector2 = New tlVector2

	Method New()
		boxoffset.Create(0, 0)
		scale.Create(1, 1)
		velocity.Create(0, 0)
		handle.Create(0, 0)
	End Method
	Field collisionlayer:Int
	Field _data:Object
		bbdoc: Create a New #tlBox
		returns: New tlBox
		about: Creates a New Bounding box that you can use For collision checking And adding To a #tlQuadTree. The x And y coordinates represent
		the top left corner of the bounding box. You can also assign some data To the boundary as handy way To store some extra info about the boundary.
	Method Create:tlBox(x:Float, y:Float, w:Float, h:Float, layer:Int = tlLAYER_1, Data:Object = Null)
		If w < 0
			w = Abs(w)
		End If
		If h < 0
			h = Abs(h)
		End If
		vertices = New tlVector2[4]
		handle.x = w / 2
		handle.y = h / 2
		vertices[0] = New tlVector2
		vertices[0].Create(-handle.x, -handle.y)
		vertices[1] = New tlVector2
		vertices[1].Create(-handle.x, h - handle.y)
		vertices[2] = New tlVector2
		vertices[2].Create(w - handle.x, h - handle.y)
		vertices[3] = New tlVector2
		vertices[3].Create(w - handle.x, -handle.y)
		normals = New tlVector2[4]
		tformvertices = New tlVector2[4]
		For Local c:Int = 0 To 3
			normals[c] = New tlVector2
			normals[c].Create(0, 0)
			tformvertices[c] = New tlVector2
			tformvertices[c].Create(0, 0)
		handle.x = 0
		handle.y = 0
		tl_corner = New tlVector2
		tl_corner.Create(0, 0)
		br_corner = New tlVector2
		br_corner.Create(0, 0)
		world = New tlVector2
		world.Create(x + w / 2, y + h / 2)
		collisionlayer = layer
		_data = Data
		Return Self
	End Method

'	More methods...

		bbdoc: Draw this tlBox
		about: Use this If you need To draw the bounding box For debugging purposes
	Method Draw(offsetx:Float = 0, offsety:Float = 0, boundingbox:Int = False)
		DrawLine (tl_corner.x - offsetx, tl_corner.y - offsety, br_corner.x - offsetx, tl_corner.y - offsety)', False)
		DrawLine (br_corner.x - offsetx, tl_corner.y - offsety, br_corner.x - offsetx, br_corner.y - offsety)', False)
		DrawLine (br_corner.x - offsetx, br_corner.y - offsety, tl_corner.x - offsetx, br_corner.y - offsety)', False)
		DrawLine (tl_corner.x - offsetx, br_corner.y - offsety, tl_corner.x - offsetx, tl_corner.y - offsety)', False)
	End Method

The method is called like so:

	' test obstacle
	Scene_Wall[1] = CreateBox(946, 212, 40, 220)

... where Scene_Wall[1] is a tlBox object.

therevills(Posted 2011) [#4]
This works okay:

What version Monkey are you using? And the age old Monkey question - Have you deleted your build folder?

muddy_shoes(Posted 2011) [#5]
Are you calling the Draw method somewhere other than inside the context of an OnRender() call?

ErikT(Posted 2011) [#6]
Hmm.. your example works fine for me too. Monkey version is 42. I tried deleting the build folder and it made no difference. Should I delete this? Won't monkey overwrite everything in there anyway?

EDIT: @muddy_shoes: checking it now.

EDIT2: I did! Put it inside the OnRender call and it works. Dang I feel stupid now, hehe :P Thanks for the help!

therevills(Posted 2011) [#7]
When moving from versions of Monkey it is best to delete the build folder.

Where were you trying to draw it? I tried OnUpdate and Monkey tells me off saying Rendering must be done within the OnRender method.

ErikT(Posted 2011) [#8]
I did it in OnUpdate() too with no errors until it got opened in the browser. I had it put inside an initialization function though and that only gets executed once.

therevills(Posted 2011) [#9]
When I move the box.Draw() into the OnUpdate method, it compiles but when the browser opens I get:

"Rendering operations can only be performed inside OnRender"

I'm using v42b...

Rixarn(Posted 2011) [#10]
ErikT, I'm just curious... you´re commenting your code as if it were bmax code. Can you document it with docmods? Or is just the habit of commenting like that... because i still dont get a hang on the monkey documentation system... I'm really tempted to write my own documentation tool...

ErikT(Posted 2011) [#11]
I'm using Opera, maybe the error message varies across browsers?

It's just a habit. I have no idea what docmods is to be honest :)