
Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Monkey->Flash->Air->Playbook(?)

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2011) [#1]

After reviewing the AIR sdk, it seems it's pretty easy to incorporate the workflow into monkey.

Naturally, a big limitation is downloading and installing Adobe AIR. But I think I read somewhere the Blackberry Playbook has native AIR (I can't test it).

Android allows AIR apps, but again, needs the download.
I think AIR can compile for iOS, but I'm not going to test this.

- compile your monkey code
- create a SWF
- create an adobe descriptor XML file
- create a certificate with "ADT" (self-signed or from Adobe, Apple, Android, or Blackberry)
- create the air app or installer package or another target with "ADT"
- deploy

Here's examples of the above files and batch files

app.xml (the descriptor file)

makeair-certificate.bat (batch file)
path = %path%;c:\flex_sdk_4.5;c:\flex_sdk_4.5\bin

adt -certificate -cn digitalID 1024-RSA SignCert.p12 password888

makeair.bat (batch file)
path = %path%;c:\flex_sdk_4.5;c:\flex_sdk_4.5\bin

adt -package  -storetype pkcs12 -keystore SignCert.p12 -keypass password888 -target native MonkeyGame.exe app.xml MonkeyGame.swf


makeair-installer.bat (batch file)
path = %path%;c:\flex_sdk_4.5;c:\flex_sdk_4.5\bin

adt -package  -storetype pkcs12 -keystore SignCert.p12 -keypass password888 -target native MonkeyGame.exe app.xml MonkeyGame.swf


Lots more can be done, just review Adobe's website here:

Hima(Posted 2011) [#2]
Thanks for this :D

Would like to add that if you're on Windows then you can use FlashDevelop to build Air application pretty easily. There's a template that come with all the batch file you need and all you have to do is replace the swf file with your file and follow the instructions.

As for Playbook, you need BlackBerry Playbook's tool to build Air app for it, I think. Another big download, unfortunately :/