List and Class

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/List and Class

tagoror(Posted 2011) [#1]

In Blitzmax we can write an estructure like this:

Type Tobj

field x : float
field y : float


End Type

... and to create derived types:

Type Tplayer extends Tobj


End Type

Type Tenemy extends Tobj


End Type

Suppose we have added all the objects created to a list called myList.
BlitzMax access all the objects added to the list in this way:

For o : Tobj = Eachin myList



If you want to access Tplayer objects we can wrote:

For o : Tplayer = Eachin myList


And if we access the Tenemy objects we can wrote:

For o : Tenemy = Eachin myList


In Monkey, we create the base class:

Class Tobj


End ' Tobj

And after that, the derived classes:

Class Tplayer extends Tobj


End ' Tplayer

Class Tenemy extends Tobj


End ' Tenemy

To access to all Tenemy and Tplayer objects ....

Local myList := New List <Tobj>

For Local o := Eachin myList



... but, here is my question. How can I access from Monkey
to all Tenemy objects only?

For local o ... ?

Thank and kind regards,


GW_(Posted 2011) [#2]
You can promote the object inside the loop.
For Local o ...
	If tEnemy(o) Then
	  'Its of tEnemy
	  ' its not

I'm not sure if all the target languages support the type of casting that BMax eachin does.

ziggy(Posted 2011) [#3]
All target languages, but take into account that Arrays ore Strings are not objects in Monkey.

tagoror(Posted 2011) [#4]
Thank you for the information. I'm going to test it.