Quick tip for OSX users

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/Quick tip for OSX users

Shinkiro1(Posted 2015) [#1]
Whenever you run the compiler for the html target, the mserver app will steal the focus of the current one which is really annoying.

There is a simple setting, that will make mserver a background app.
Make sure it's not running while you make these changes.

1) Open Finder, go to monkey/bin
2) Right click mserver_macos.app, select Show Package Contents, open Info.plist (in Contents) and open it with your favourite texteditor
3) Add these 2 lines

4) save and close

Now there won't be any BlitzMax icon in your dock anymore and you can simply hide/minimize mserver and let it run in the background.


PS: combined with the new split view feature in 10.11, this means you can have your editor open with the game in full screen, side by side:

secondgear(Posted 2015) [#2]
Cool, excellent idea, thanks! What's this editor that you're using?

Shinkiro1(Posted 2015) [#3]
TextMate 2.
Someone here made a TextMate 1 plugin for monkey which works for the most part in TM2 (syntax highlighting, building, ...)