A Small Thank You

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/A Small Thank You

DeltaWolf7(Posted 2013) [#1]

I just wanted to say thank you to the developers and the community behind Monkey.
I discovered Monkey only a month or so ago and took it for granted that it was another magic game making set of tools that can be found freely around the net.
Anyway, after messing with the demo (which could do with updating, its break with newer example and source) I decided what the hell paid my money.
I have to say that its very good. I am actually a .NET developer by profession, I played with XNA and even mono on Linux (Pi) but never got in to making games, mainly due to time.
I did find Monkey to be very easy to pickup and powerful. I was able to pickup the changes to syntax and have a working game up in a day.

I say game, but its really just a guy walking around a field, but it proved it could be done.

So yer, my rant over.. Thank you everyone involved, its a fine product. The only down side really is that the IDE could do with better information. I accidently found out I don't have to keep going back to my main file with the lock build function.

Does TED support plugins? Maybe I can create intellisence for it. Not required but nice.

Long live Monkey..

garyk1968(Posted 2013) [#2]
There are alternative IDEs DW, JumpIDE is one, mollusk is another and Jungle yet another. I think jungle has the most features and costs the most, but hey, you pays yer money....

skape(Posted 2013) [#3]

What Gary said:
Jungle - Windows only, most "advanced" features-wise, (most expensive too)
Mollusk - Windows and Mac, $10 for lifetime updates
JumpIDE - Windows and Mac, $19

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2013) [#4]
welcome to the club. thanks for sharing your insight!

Paul - Taiphoz(Posted 2013) [#5]
without looking I am sure the source for TED is inside the monkey download.

as for plugins I dont think its really been designed with that in mind, but Mark is known for having his IDE's source open, the blitzMax CE IDE is a fine example.

Having a CE TED would be nice.

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2013) [#6]
ted is GPL, so i'm sure he wouldn't mind mods. I made a few mods (line numbers!), but i'm using qt5 since qt4 won't work with wacom tablets. i'm happy to put them up on github.

qt5 also has qt ecma script, so it's totally possible.

EdzUp(Posted 2013) [#7]
Welcome, I too am currently using it for loads of projects :D