Diddy and version 66

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/Diddy and version 66

Paul - Taiphoz(Posted 2013) [#1]
Hay all..

Sadly my Jungle licence ran out and don't have the cash to buy the lifer version, and now with the newer versions of monkey out I find myself stuck on version 66 as the new builds add different target structure as I understand it and some other cool things.

My main concern at the moment is the Diddy framework tho as its the one I am currently using , I was wondering if the latest build of diddy is compatible with v66 or if its been updated to take all the new stuff into account.

rIKmAN(Posted 2013) [#2]
Why are you stuck on v66?
The latest Monkey versions are listed on your product updates page, just grab the latest version from there.

As for Diddy, therevills has posted that it will be updated when Mark makes a new "official" version release after any bugs have been ironed out, but the latest version I grabbed from the SVN worked perfect with 67d, it just hasn't been made into the .zip version yet.

As for Jungle, I didn't realise the licence ran out, I thought once you bought it you had lifetime updates?

It is a great IDE but a little expensive imo.

Paul - Taiphoz(Posted 2013) [#3]
yeah just looked seems they stopped doing the 6 month licences damn it..

I got so used to using it that when I try to use TED I feel like a fish out of water lol, a testimant to how good jungle is I guess.

Man I wish jungle was the default ide that came with monkey, but guess we cant really complain would rather mark was working on the code rather than a nice ide. would be nice tho.

And cool thanks, will grab it now before he updates it any further.

rIKmAN(Posted 2013) [#4]
Yeah I know what you mean, I have only had Monkey less than a week and TED already feels weird when I go back as I have been trying out the demo of Jungle.

I just can't justify the cost of Jungle yet, as all I really miss when using TED at the moment is the syntax highlighting.

Of course I'm just testing Monkey atm so my code is pretty simple, but once I start working on something bigger using TED will become a nightmare and the Folding and Intellisense etc will be a big help.

Hopefully Jungle might have come down a bit in price by then.

Amon(Posted 2013) [#5]
Why don't you just buy an additional 6 months worth of updates? In your accounts page there is a big button that says 'Buy an additional 6 months updates' then when you get the updates key enter it by pressing the 'extend' button, enter your key and you are good to go!

Paul - Taiphoz(Posted 2013) [#6]
two reasons really, 1 I cant afford it and two if and when I do have the money I would rather not be locked into constantly paying 6 month fee's and would rather pay more and get the life time licence.

but still skint and not working full time at the moment and none of my games are finished so other than the odd bit of freelance artwork I do I have zero income to pay for it.

therevills(Posted 2013) [#7]
Yes, Diddy is compatible with Monkey v66. As rIKmAN has stated: once v67 is released officially we will up date it to work with that.

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2013) [#8]
I'm still on monk, but I may try and make a FlashDevelop plugin for monkey.

Paul - Taiphoz(Posted 2013) [#9]
never used it before but it does look good.