Monkeycoder problem?

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/Monkeycoder problem?

xAD(Posted 2011) [#1]
After purchase (yesterday) of course the first thing I wanted to do was get the current update, but every time I try I get "ERROR:Internal error"
I get the same trying to Edit profile.

Is something broken? Do you guys need to flip a switch by hand yet?

therevills(Posted 2011) [#2]
Ahhh your user 222... and you know what that means dont you!? :P

Where are you getting the ERROR?

You need to be signed in, then click on the Account:xAD (top right), which will take you to your profile, then click on the Product Updates link, finally click the version of Monkey you want to download.

xAD(Posted 2011) [#3]
You need to be signed in,
then click on the Account:xAD (top right), which will take you to your profile,
then click on the Product Updates link,
"ERROR:Internal error"

finally click the version of Monkey you want to download.
*I wish! :)

therevills(Posted 2011) [#4]
Can you click on the Register product link?

Amon(Posted 2011) [#5]
Did the order go through properly? If you have no access to the private member updates maybe they were disabled because of something wrong with your order?

If none of the above is it, try clearing all Browser temporary data/cache close your browser and come back here and try again.

What Browser are you using?

marksibly(Posted 2011) [#6]

What OS/browser are you using?

If you can post here, you *should* be able to access the account section.

xAD(Posted 2011) [#7]
Firefox 4.0.1 / WinXP

Doesn't look to me like the browser has much to do with it though, what I'm getting back from the server when I click the links is:

<div class="main">ERROR:Internal error<br><br></div><table width="100%"><tr><td></td></tr></table></body></html>

(that's just the end, didn't figure you needed to see all the menu gubbins)

happens on edituser.php, produpdate.php and regprod.php

xAD(Posted 2011) [#8]
I suppose I could try a couple other browsers just in case...
Well, it works in Chrome. Weird. Why would it not send the page to FF4? Beyond my ken.

xAD(Posted 2013) [#9]

I switched to Chrome from Firefox a year or so ago, among other reasons to be able to get at the product updates.

Now I'm getting that old "ERROR:Internal error" using Chrome, as well.

The only browser I can get at them from is *shudder* IE.

Please don't make me use IE.

Soap(Posted 2013) [#10]
Maybe it's time to do a fresh install of Windows?

xAD(Posted 2013) [#11]
Since the last time I had this problem, I am not only using a different browser, I am also using a different OS on a different computer accessing the internet in a different way from a different provider in an entirely different area of the country -- I find it hard to believe that this issue is following me through some bizarre string of coincidences and affects no one else.

xAD(Posted 2013) [#12]
Okay...I have found my problem. It was a wonky extension I forgot I had. So, Chrome still works for updates.

Still no idea why it wouldn't work with FF back when, though. Only extensions I had for that were InvisibleHand and NoScript, but monkeycoder was whitelisted.