Nokia Cell Phones and Meego

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/Nokia Cell Phones and Meego

Wagenheimer(Posted 2011) [#1]
What do you think of the possibility of Monkey exporting to Nokia Phones? I do not know what they use, but it seems to have the possibility of using Qt and Java.

The Ovi Store goes well in sales, we would be interesting to port our games in Monkey for it.

Meego would be a nice alternative also, it seens to also use Qt.

I have a good alternative to the version Windows / Mac using Lazarus, and Freepascal ZenGL. Is It Possible to I create a new exporter to monkey by myself?

Xaron(Posted 2011) [#2]
Hmm... does it really have any relevance now as Nokia goes the Windows 7 path? I'd be more interested in a WebOS (Palm) port. :)

slenkar(Posted 2011) [#3]
Do Nokia and WebOS have the glloadmatrix command?
(or equivalent?)
that would allow for a mojo target to be made