I finally figured it out.

Monkey Archive Forums/Digital Discussion/I finally figured it out.

Amon(Posted 2015) [#1]
As unbelievable as it may seem to you all I have discovered how Neurons form the images we see in our imagination. I'm trying to find the best way to put it to paper/epaper.

Strange thing is that the people I know, friends and family, keep asking what has happened to me. I ask them in what way that they mean and they say I'm different but not in a bad way. My dear old mum, while crying, said she sometimes wonders if the person standing before her is her son. You don't shout, swear, smoke, drink any more, -You are a completely different person, she said.


Anyway, On my travels to find out why I do what I do, I faced incredible challenges. The smoking and disorderly,anti-social behaviour I disabled first. Big mistake. Can't even begin to explain why it was a big mistake. I re-enabled those behaviours in my mind but very quickly had an idea that I was sure would work which didn't involve disabling behaviours causing me to almost disconnect.

The idea was to identify which image in the sequence of certain though patterns was the one that was powerful enough to create or to alter the current path of thought.

Think of it like a branch. Where the branch juts out eventually something would cause it to create a smaller branch/twig that stuck out and went its own way, still being attached to the main branch.

Every image in your mind has, and the best way to describe it is, a power meter attached to it.Then at full bar ie. the power meter for the image being full, would have the ability to create a new branch of thought or alter the existing thought sequence by being able to change every image that would come after it including the images associated power meter.

Hmm! well, to cut a long story short during these travels I stumbled on a place in my mind that was deliberately concealed but not by me. It is in there where I found certain images that helped me understand and eventually figure out how we see what we see in our imagination. I basically saw how this imagination engine worked.

It shocked me because; I don;t know why?

Even more strange is when I discovered how the imagination engine worked I looked within own belief system and asked a question?

I asked "Are you there?"

The reply was, well, I'll talk about that some other time.

Putting what I know to paper and publishing it would for mew be the best thing to do. With a completed publication, a completed science related publication, where would one publish this to?


TeaBoy(Posted 2015) [#2]
Are you talking about force of attraction?

Amon(Posted 2015) [#3]
Are you talking about force of attraction?


Your Imagination is a magnificent Formation Engine. For you to be able to hear and to see what is in your mind the formation must exist, somewhere. You can't imagine something that doesn't exist. So, when you imagine, for example, a volcano then make it erupt, for that instance and time you were imagining it, that volcano erupting, existed. Granted not all of it was there and the reason for this is resolution. The resolution of our minds is limited to the amount of Neurons that make up our brain.

Now when I say resolution I mean it in this way; try to imagine a horse and imagine all of it. That would include blood cells, veins, its tongue; all of it. You will not be able to achieve this. Why? We do not posses that ability because we are not equipped with enough Neurons in our brains that would allow such a detailed formation.

Now, whatever it was that happened seven months ago; I woke up and for a few seconds I couldn't see normally and instead I saw what I now call the Construct. As strange as it may seem there is no difference between how we form images and sounds in our minds and how outside our minds everything is formed also. This makes sense and is understandable because everything, and I mean everything, at its ultimate beginning is formed the same way using what I call strange energy. I named it Strange Energy because it can be manipulated to form everything you can think of. The Construct is the same and is formed from this Strange Energy. The construct provides the foundation that allows everything to be.

Think of the Construct as the ground floor of a tall building. Each floor sits on the other and the the higher you go floor wise the closer you get to how we experience reality as it is so the top floor is where we are now in our perception.

I would like to continue but I am compelled for some reason to continue putting this to paper in order to publish it.

TeaBoy(Posted 2015) [#4]
Seems interesting, way beyond my intelligence, but you state :

Now when I say resolution I mean it in this way; try to imagine a horse and imagine all of it. That would include blood cells, veins, its tongue; all of it. You will not be able to achieve this. Why? We do not posses that ability because we are not equipped with enough Neurons in our brains that would allow such a detailed formation.

What about individuals with an eidetic memory?

Amon(Posted 2015) [#5]
Eidetic memory has nothing to do with imagining more than the limit in the numbers of Neurons our brain houses and is comprised of. Eidetic Brains have the capability of using more of the available Neurons to, in a sense, capture greater detail in that instance.

Soap(Posted 2015) [#6]

Amon(Posted 2015) [#7]
Interesting outburst. From the content of what you wrote your motivation seems to be one of "Hey, here are the real facts".

Annoyance is what motivated you to post this and is evident in the last paragraph of your post where you are basically announcing that I may not be well and must be under the influence of chemicals, gene mutation or other some such illness. This had to be the final part of your post because it satisfied your need, upon reading my posts, to proclaim me a potential madman and not to be listened to and that the truth about everything, which you try to cover prior to your medical diagnosis, is land can only be found when coming from you. You use this method to bolster the image that I am wrong and you are the bearer of all that is true.

I am not here to challenge you. I did not post what I posted and proclaim it the truth. Study what I wrote and you will see that. Now look at the difference between my posts and yours and ask yourself who is the real menacing enforcer of the truth.

You don't have to be like that. It shouldn't elicit a need for you to post a wall of the truth, in your eyes, followed by a medical diagnosis listing several potential illnesses I could be suffering from which make me wrong.

Soap(Posted 2015) [#8]

Amon(Posted 2015) [#9]
Ok, I agree fully with you. You are right. I am wrong.

Soap(Posted 2015) [#10]

Pakz(Posted 2015) [#11]
You might just be suffering from the effects of a psychosis Look it up on wiklpedia. Also google the symptoms.

There is medication for that. See a doctor :)

If you have a psychosis or a other mental decease then you might get taken into forced treatment (police/ambulance>hospital) if you are a danger to yourself or others.

That was what I think when I read this thread. (I have had a couple of psychoses myself)

Be carefull with what you post online. I got banned from bb.com for posting weird things when I had a psychosis once. (Been hospitalized for a year that time)

Amon(Posted 2015) [#12]

With how you worded it, why must I follow what you recommend or else I'm a madman?
Why must what you say be the only way?
What have you read and interpreted that elicited responses from you like that?

What do you need me to do or to say that will allow you to calm down?

Soap(Posted 2015) [#13]

Danilo(Posted 2015) [#14]
Pakz wrote:
That was what I think when I read this thread. (I have had a couple of psychoses myself)

After reading the very first posting few days ago, I thought maybe Amon does meditation/introspection/contemplation.

Amon(Posted 2015) [#15]
After reading the very first posting few days ago, I thought maybe Amon does meditation/introspection/contemplation.

This is what I call a sensible post. Danilo, yes, you are correct. With regards to Introspection, it is the most important type of meditation, speaking for myself, that I partake in. One very important aspect for it to be extremely effective is to be honest with yourself. The greatest and most damaging lies we are told when going through life are the ones we tell ourselves.

I'm quite surprised by Danilo's post as I wasn't expecting it. Take a look at what Danilo started with and what he ended his post with. There is no medical diagnosis, there is no dictatorship that represents itself by denouncing what I have written using subjects and statements that have absolutely no context to what I have presented in my posts. The assumption levels contained within the content of these posts are incredible and worst still have no meaning when placed to be likened to what I wrote.

Why? Danilo is a more secure person and comfortable with his confidence, self esteem and most importantly his personality.

The best definition of yourself and who you are can always be found and seen in how you treat people.

Soap(Posted 2015) [#16]
Deleting my posts. I don't want conflict with you or anyone here. My only intention was to offer perspective based on what you seemed to be trying to say and express concern.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hope you are well.

Amon(Posted 2015) [#17]
Soap. Deleting your posts is not the way. Accepting that what you posted may have been interpreted as an attack due to the way it was structured and how it was expressed via words is all you need to do.

You haven't done anything wrong. This is not what I intended to happen nor did I want you to think you were wrong to the point that you would delete your posts.

Expressing your minds ideas, thoughts and feelings by putting them to paper/e-paper is difficult. Even more so when wanting to challenge what you perceive as an opinion, idea, or way of thinking that you do not agree with or think is substantially flawed/wrong. You will leave yourself open to exactly this as it has happened here when you steam in without ensuring that what you wrote and posted cannot possibly be interpreted in a way other than how you worded, structured and presented it.

I make sure to analyse what I intend to say or put down to paper so that others, the variety of different understandings, cannot take what I have said or written and use it to my detriment or claim it means something other than how I intended it.

Please! Lets chill and call it a day to this thread. It has ended and that is it.


Paul - Taiphoz(Posted 2015) [#18]
Amon my feeling is that you should get checked out by a Doctor, this is not me saying your crazy your initial post actually made sense although I am sure I can imagine a full horse ;)

That aside my reason for suggesting a visit to the Doctor is based on what your mother said, when a person's personality changes so drastically that their family actually comments on it there is often(not always) a physical or chemical change in the brain, because of this I suggest you get checked out, better to be safe than sorry mate even if you don't feel odd or don't feel different the fact your family thinks you are is enough of a reason.

As for publishing goto IFL, I Fucking Love Science and send them it, if they publish it then there might be something to it so you should then send it to everyone, universities that deal with machine learning, neuroscience and anyone else you can think of, basically put it into the hands of the people who will know what to do with it.

abakobo(Posted 2015) [#19]
What a surprising digital discussion! (haven't seen a bit of a bit here ;)

Yep you should speak with some people you know and are confident with. And to people who can/would take time to try to understand your new ways of thinking (IFLS looks like a good starting point).

I hope you had a stroke of genuis but as Paul said, the fact that your familly think you changed a lot in a short period of time is a good reason to check with "pro's of the mind" maybe just once, this will reassure your familly, wich is something good for you and them. A lot of "Normal" people do it! There is no shame. Get advises to find a "good" and "open-minded" psy if you decide to make the step... a bad one can be a terrible waste of time.
One important thing is not to scare/bother the people who don't want to speak about such advanced kind of vision, some of them will reject you. And this will make your life harder. Don't take it too seriously unless a community of capable persons tells you it's good. (but don't stop your creativity and will to share!)
On the sciences side, philosophers and mathematicians(real ones, who knows history of maths and so on) have always been of good help to people with new ideas having a hard time to write them on paper. They have a large range of bases for reflexion, a lot larger than the average video game creator! ;P

All of these are just personnal reflexions and advises associated with my little experience...

Best Regards


Amon(Posted 2015) [#20]
You guys are too much.

I don't drink, smoke, swear or behave in a disgraceful manner, sometimes causing alarm or getting me arrested, any more . This is what my family noticed.

They also noticed that I read more books in a month than I did prior to that in my entire life up until that moment. Just general stuff nerds do. Oh, I shocked my mum in to crying with what told her. It was something I'd never said to her before. A simple "I love you mum".

My concentration has improved leaps and bounds. I say my 'please and thank you's' and delight no more in aggression.

Why have you, the people specifically recommending me to a seek help, automatically assumed that this was a sudden change, it wasn't, it happened over a ten year time frame and, yes it startled my family, but not in a way that would negatively freak them out but instead it freaked them out in a positive way.

Paul - Taiphoz(Posted 2015) [#21]
AH, well that's different, not sure why it came across as a sudden change it just did, possibly the way you wrote or worded it.. you should be happy that people in this small community care enough to actually suggest it, in other communities a post like this would have turned out differently.

Amon(Posted 2015) [#22]
Nothing in what I wrote in my opening post or in any other in this thread states or leads to the interpretation that this change was sudden, negative and hurtful.

What are you guys reading? Are you even reading in this thread?

This is what I mean. Without thinking about it you all steamed in and basically declared me mad, ill or in dire need to contact a mental health professional. It doesn't end there. For some unknown reason you have all shared in what has to be the most delusional interpretation of what I wrote I have ever seen.

It is akin to the following:

I say "it is a red car".

You guys interpret that to mean "Nah, we don't like hot dogs or killing animals to power our 100 watt balloon magnet. We don 't do what you flew jumbo barn".

Then you all finish your posts declaring me mad.

It begs a WTF is wrong you guys. Where are you pulling all this meaning and interpretation from.......

and declaring me mad. lol


Paul - Taiphoz(Posted 2015) [#23]
The more I read this thread the funnier it's getting...

I actually cant help it so I apologize in advance as I just watched the recent episode of Quantico and it had a scene that I think is apt for this post..

Chick says to her boss - "If everyone you trust is on one side, and your on the other..... What does that tell you".

abakobo(Posted 2015) [#24]

I'm sorry if I did hurt you.

If I advised you to go see a "professionnal", it's because the first time I stopped drinking and smoking I was way too much in my mind. I spent 30min for 35 bucks to get the following advice: "let's regularly ride your bike and smell the odors around you". Wich was a great advice, i began to stop being anxious and stopped thinking all the time (because smelling things force you to breathe correctly, what is extremely good for the brain and body functions) It was very benefical to me. I never thougth i was mad or ill (well smoking that much was kind of sick) and today I don't think I was neither. Those bike runs also helped me in getting a synthesis of my thoughts! And once I saw that advice was that good for me I wondered why I was relluctant to go to that women's office, what some friends advised me to do. And they where all happy for me (and reassured) when I told them i paid the 35 bucks for this secretive discution with that "pro". What was instantly benneficial for my relations... because I followed their advice: "got see that women once, she knows what's she's talking about, and won't suggest you to replace some drugs by other ones"
So please don't consider i think you're a mad man. As I said, it's because you seem to have changed a lot in a short period of time that I suggest you to do that. And because it will probably help you in your goal of putting all these ideas on paper! I didn't suggest you to make a long therapy, get medication or anything like that.
That's all I can help you for, because i'm not a philosopher, neither an advanced mathematician, neither a neuroscientist of imagination... just an average musician/actor/cook/game making hobbyist.
If this is useless to you then, well, duno, maybe it will give some people the will to ride and smell ;P At least I shared what I though was "good" to share.
I wish you all the best in your process of putting your ideas and concepts on paper.

Best regards


PS: I don't think I will write on this post anymore because writing to unknown people has it's limits. (as we can see)

Amon(Posted 2015) [#25]
Guys...lets let this thread die. It deserves it. Yeah....Come on people, lets let it go. Then let it think it will get a way, then kill it. lol