IRC Chat

Monkey Archive Forums/Digital Discussion/IRC Chat

bitJericho(Posted 2015) [#1]
Hey all, I created an irc server that I plan to keep running indefinitely. It's been pretty stable for a few weeks and is hosted at home on a real server on battery backup :)

You can connect on and/or

I'll leave it to anybody here interested to figure out channels and details. The server itself is not for monkey users specifically, but just for like minded individuals to get together and talk about programming, games, and whatever. I found my last IRC home was getting pretty mean-spirited so I quit altogether but I'm finding I miss talking to fellow programmers.

Come on in, I'll be in #lobby for the time being! If anybody has a good quality server themselves (note most vps hosts won't allow it) and wants to run a second redundant ircd for better reliability get a hold of me.

Anope services and a website will be coming in the next few weeks.

Richard Betson(Posted 2015) [#2]
^I'll try to stop by. :)