Go Language, indie game problems

Monkey Archive Forums/Digital Discussion/Go Language, indie game problems

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2013) [#1]

TLDR; the external library dependencies from the web that Go allows seems to have changed enough that the original programmer cannot get the game to compile and has no idea what has changed.

Is this a lesson that libraries will update often enough that they will break? so update and test often.

Soap(Posted 2013) [#2]
While I can understand playing with new languages when only your own time and money is involved, I don't get why they would use something like Go for a game like this in the first place. Go is still new, it has no major game development focus, no game dev community as far as I can tell, and it instead focuses on different things (servers seem to be the focus - plus its GC is designed in a way which is very non-game friendly) in so much that someone who does try to make a game with it will find obstacles at every step of its toolchain - such as this. Nauseating incompetence mixed with ignorance. An experienced and honest coder should have known better. Go isn't to blame. The coder is. It sucks, but the project lead can still overcome if he doesn't give up.

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2013) [#3]
I think I remember reading when this came out last year that their programmer worked at Google.

Either he thought using it would give him a leg up at work, or, more generously, he was enthused about the language. But in truth, Go seems to me like a *terrible* language for games.

bram(Posted 2013) [#4]
That is a nightmare.