Which do you prefer?

Monkey Archive Forums/Digital Discussion/Which do you prefer?

Skn3(Posted 2012) [#1]
Which of these number sets would you prefer?

A) 10,20,50,100,200,500,1000

B) 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024

Now that you have got your answer for that, what if I were to say you were paying for something with one of those amounts. Which numberset would you be drawn to?

If you could post both answers please that would be proper helpful! Also if you a have any reasons for your choice then that would be interesting to hear too.

I am just doing a little experiment for a project and would be interested to see what peoples gut reactions are...


Goodlookinguy(Posted 2012) [#2]
Assuming this is all decimal, to the first question, B. It's more consistently flowing than A in my mind. Probably because it's all 2 to the power of n, which steadily increases. To the second question, A, because it's easy to manipulate decimal numbers that only have one non place holder value in my head.

NoOdle(Posted 2012) [#3]
B) is better for games so I would prefer that.

'paying for something' do you mean in a shop or a mathematical cost for using one over the other?
If its for shops then surely the shop would accept whatever my numbers are otherwise the currency would be useless! But A) would be better for the customer, the prices would/could be cheaper! B) would be better for the seller. If its a mathematical reason then I would pick B) you can have more fun with the numbers

Skn3(Posted 2012) [#4]
hehe well the test is to do with pricing for a single item and to see if there if there is anything in "the numbers" which would be more satisfying for a potential customer.

Neuro(Posted 2012) [#5]
what if I were to say you were paying for something with one of those amounts

I'm a cheap bastard. Since we're talking about paying for something, i rather pay $10 than $16 right off the bat and rather pay $1000 than $1024 in the high extreme (not that the pricing would matter too much anymore at that level). In this context, i'm draw to Set A.

NoOdle(Posted 2012) [#6]
hehe well the test is to do with pricing for a single item and to see if there if there is anything in "the numbers" which would be more satisfying for a potential customer.

A) would be better for cheaper combinations, but if combinations are not possible e.g. 10+20 then I would pick B). B) consistently doubles whereas A) doubles sometimes and more than doubles other times. That doesn't seem so fair.

JIM(Posted 2012) [#7]
For me, as numbers I prefer how B looks. It makes more sense in my head. However, put a $ before it and that immediately changes.

32 -> good
50 -> bad
64 -> good
200 -> bad
1024 -> sweet

32GB -> nice
16KB -> cool
$16 -> bad
64£ -> bad
$10 -> good
$9.99 -> very good

At least that's how my brain works. :)

Skn3(Posted 2012) [#8]
Ok well after 24 votes so far some from blitz forums and some from facebook (with a good mix of programmers and non programmers)

The current results are roughly 2:1 in favour of rounded numbers
15 -for rounded numbers
8 -for power of two

Now If I were to say that these donations amount were options on a kickstarter/indiegogo. Lets say you are going to donate to the project so this is real money. The project is to raise money for my tool Objecty which is aimed at game developers which if you have made a game you would most definitely have a use for.

The question is, would that effect your previous vote for A or B ?

I am doing the survey so I can see what the general opinion is on amounts of money, hopefully it will let me hit a sweet spot that people who donate will pay an amount they are comfortable with.