Bresenham's Line Algorithm (Function)

Monkey Forums/Monkey Code/Bresenham's Line Algorithm (Function)

Pakz(Posted 2015) [#1]
I found a site that had lots of code examples of the bresenham line algorithm. I translated one to Monkey.

You can use this to draw lines in arrays or move ai in a straight line. Probably lots more what a line function is good for.

Import mojo

Class MyApp Extends App
    Method OnCreate()
        Local date := GetDate()
        Seed = date[5]        
    End Method
    Method OnUpdate()
    End Method    
    Method OnRender()
        Cls 0,0,0
        SetColor 255,255,255
        DrawText "Monkey-X Bresenham's line algorithm - function.",10,10
		For Local i=0 Until 32
			bline Rnd(0,640),Rnd(0,480),Rnd(0,640),Rnd(0,480)
    End Method
End Class

Function bline:Void(x1:Int,y1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int)
	  Local dx:Int, dy:Int, sx:Int, sy:Int, e:Int
      dx = Abs(x2 - x1)
      sx = -1
      If x1 < x2 Then sx = 1      
      dy = Abs(y2 - y1)
      sy = -1
      If y1 < y2 Then sy = 1
      If dx < dy Then 
      	e = dx / 2 
      	e = dy / 2      	
      End If
      Local exitloop:Bool=False
      While exitloop = False
        SetColor 255,255,255
        DrawPoint x1,y1
        If x1 = x2 
        	If y1 = y2
        		exitloop = True
        	End If
        End If
        If dx > dy Then
        	x1 += sx ; e -= dy 
          	If e < 0 Then e += dx ; y1 += sy
        	y1 += sy ; e -= dx 
        	If e < 0 Then e += dy ; x1 += sx
End Function

Function Main()
    New MyApp
End Function

Here a example where I use the line algorithm function to draw in a pixel array that can be turned into a image. It shows astroids on the screen.

GarBenjamin(Posted 2015) [#2]
Excellent work and thanks for sharing! If you get bored a very good update would be to make a version that uses linear interpolation basically just a LERP function.

So your Function signature would look something like this:

Point would be a class with x1 and y1 fields.
Step would be a value from 0.01 to 100 where 0.01 would return x1, y1, 1.0 returns x2, y2, 0.5 would return a point halfway between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and so forth.

The step could also be an integer from 1 to 100 with 1 returning x1, y1, 100 returning x2, y2, 50 returning a point halfway between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) . Whatever way is easiest for you to use.

Another option would be to create a function that returns the full array of 100 movement points, something like:

This kind of thing is highly useful because then objects can track their oldpos(x1,y1), targetpos(x2,y2) and current step on the path allowing step to be incremented gradually each frame meaning it can be used during Update() to move to the next point on the path.

You probably already have a ton of ideas for stuff you plan to make. Just throwing this out in case you ever run out of ideas. ;)