Diddy Simple Tile Collision

Monkey Forums/Monkey Code/Diddy Simple Tile Collision

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2012) [#1]
quick n dirty.
Works with diddy's tile system, just input your tilemap and a layername from the XML.

Obviously not perfect, since it's not using ray collisions.

'' in screen pixel X,Y

Function TileCollision:Int(map:TileMap,layername:String, playerx%, playery%, playerw%, playerh%, offx%, offy%)
If Not layername Or map.tileWidth=0 Or map.tileHeight=0 Return 0

'' string search could be removed for faster lookups
Local layer:TileMapTileLayer
For Local tl:TileMapLayer = Eachin map.layers
If TileMapTileLayer(tl)

If tl.name = layername Then layer = TileMapTileLayer(tl) ; Exit
If layer.name <> layername Then Return 0

''convert x,y,w,h to grid
Local gx%, gy%, gw%, gh%


gx = (playerx / map.tileWidth)
gy = (playery / map.tileHeight)
gw = (playerw / map.tileWidth)
gh = (playerh / map.tileHeight)

'Print gx+"+"+gy

Local coll:Int=0
For Local y:= gy To gy+gh
If coll Then Exit
If y<0 Or y>map.height Then Continue
For Local x:= gx To gx+gw
If x<0 Or x>map.width Then Continue
If layer.mapData.Get(x,y) Then coll=1 ; Exit

'If coll Then Print gx+":"+gy+" "+coll

Return coll

Example of usage, for a centered top-down perspective for rpg map. used in OnUpdate():