Perlin Noise Class

Monkey Forums/Monkey Code/Perlin Noise Class

Bladko(Posted 2011) [#1]
basic perlin class

'           CLASS                          
Class TPerlinNoiseBasic

	Field sizeX = 640
	Field sizeY = 480

	'first random noise table	
	Field noiseArr:Float[]
	'output table
	Field terrainArr:Float[]
	'frequency, the lower the larger terrains of same level	
	Field frequency:Float = 1.0
	'starting amplitude
	Field amplitude:Float = 1.0
	'change of amplitude of next octave
	Field persistance:Float = 0.6
	'number of octaves
	Field octaves = 8
	'	just make some data, using fake 2D arrays
	Method New(_x, _y)
		Self.sizeX = _x
		Self.sizeY = _y	
		Self.noiseArr = new float[_x * _y]
		Self.terrainArr = new float[_x * _y]
	'    to init perlin noise parameters
	Method ChangeParams(fre:Float, amp:Float, pers:Float, oct)
		frequency = fre
		amplitude = amp
		persistance = pers
		octaves = oct
	'       single field noise generation
	Method GetRandomNoise:Float(x:Float, y:Float)
		Local fre:Float = frequency
		Local amp:Float = amplitude
		Local finalValue:Float = 0.0
		For Local i = 0 To octaves
			finalValue = finalValue + LinearFilterNoise(x * fre, y * fre) * amp
			fre = fre * 2.0
			amp = amp * persistance
		If(finalValue < - 1.0) finalValue = -1.0
		If(finalValue > 1.0) finalValue = 1.0
		finalValue = finalValue * 0.5 + 0.5
		Return finalValue
	'      create output terrain array
	Method MakeTerrainMap()
		For Local x = 0 To sizeX - 1
			For Local y = 0 To sizeY - 1
				terrainArr[x + y * sizeX] = GetRandomNoise(x, y)

	'    perlin noise with linear interpolation
	Method LinearFilterNoise:Float(x:Float, y:Float)
		Local fractionX:Float = x - Int(x)
		Local fractionY:Float = y - Int(y)
		Local x1 = (Int(x) + sizeX) Mod sizeX
		Local y1 = (Int(y) + sizeY) Mod sizeY
		Local x2 = (Int(x) + sizeX - 1) Mod sizeX
		Local y2 = (Int(y) + sizeY - 1) Mod sizeY
		If(x1 < 0) x1 = x1 + sizeX
		If(x2 < 0) x2 = x2 + sizeX
		If(y1 < 0) y1 = y1 + sizeY
		If(y2 < 0) y2 = y2 + sizeY
		Local finVal:Float = 0
		finVal = finVal + fractionX * fractionY * noiseArr[x1 + y1*sizeX ]
		finVal = finVal + fractionX * (1 - fractionY) * noiseArr[x1 + y2*sizeX]
		finVal = finVal + (1 - fractionX) * fractionY * noiseArr[x2 + y1 * sizeX]
		finVal = finVal + (1 - fractionX) * (1 - fractionY) * noiseArr[x2 + y2*sizeX ]
		Return finVal
	'     to fill noise array with white noise
	Method InitNoise()
		noiseArr = New Float[sizeX * sizeY]

		For Local x = 0 To sizeX - 1
			For Local y = 0 To sizeY - 1
				noiseArr[x + y * sizeX] = (Rnd() - 0.5) * 2.0
        '   might be usefull, process whole array with sinus
	Method terrainSinus(p:Float)
		For Local x = 0 To sizeX - 1
			For Local y = 0 To sizeY - 1
				Local md:Float = Sin(y * 180 / sizeY) * 2 - 1
				terrainArr[x + sizeX * y] = md * p + terrainArr[x + sizeX * y] * (1.0 - p)

extended class to draw data on screen and make some quantization
due to fact we cannot draw to image / backbuffer so this has limited usage

'           CLASS                          
Class TPerlinNoise Extends TPerlinNoiseBasic
	'min and max colors
	Field colMin:TColor = new TColor(0, 0, 0)
	Field colMax:TColor = new TColor(200,200,200)
	Field levels[] = New Int[100]
	Field levelsColor:TColor[] = new TColor[20]
	'		just make new data
	Method New(_x, _y)
		'init levels
		For Local i = 0 To 99
			Self.levels[i] = 0
	'   draw image
	Method OnRender(scale, dx, dy)

		For Local x = 0 To sizeX - 1
			For Local y = 0 To sizeY - 1
				Local val# = terrainArr[x + sizeX * y]
				Local R = colMax.R * val + colMin.R * (1 - val)
				Local G = colMax.G * val + colMin.G * (1 - val)
				Local B = colMax.B * val + colMin.B * (1 - val)
				SetColor(R, G, B)
				DrawRect(x * scale + dx, y * scale + dy, scale, scale)
	'   draw image according to levels, like izolines
	Method OnRenderLevel(scale, dx, dy)

		For Local x = 0 To sizeX - 1
			For Local y = 0 To sizeY - 1
				Local val:TColor = levelsColor[levels[terrainArr[x + sizeX * y]*99]]
				if(val = null) Continue 
				SetColor(val.R, val.G, val.B)
				DrawRect(x * scale + dx, y * scale + dy, scale, scale)
	'      start process
	Method OnCreate()
	' setup terrain N from lvl min to lvl max
        ' this is quantization of terrain to one color in range
        ' this creates area of same value = izo lines
	Method SetupLevel(levelMin, levelMax, val, R,G,B)
		levelsColor[val] = New TColor(R,G,B)
		For Local i = levelMin To levelMax - 1
			levels[i] = val

example how to use

Local Perlinek:TPerlinNoise

Perlinek = New TPerlinNoise(64,48)		'to fill screen
Perlinek.ChangeParams(0.1, 0.99, 0.65, 6)       'experiment !! 
Perlinek.colMin = New TColor(0, 50, 0)          'dark green 
Perlinek.colMax = New TColor(150, 200, 150)     'light green
Perlinek.SetupLevel(0,40,0,0,40,80)             'low level water
Perlinek.SetupLevel(40,80,1,40,240,40)          'medium grass
Perlinek.SetupLevel(80,100,2,140,140,0)         'high rocks


'draw levels quantization or draw just all
'10 is scale 64 * 10 = 640
if(SpaceKeyIsHit = 1) Perlinek.OnRenderLevel(10,0,0)
if(SpaceKeyIsHit = 0) Perlinek.OnRender(10,0,0)


DruggedBunny(Posted 2011) [#2]
Nice one, thanks.

Bladko(Posted 2011) [#3]
if any one can help me how to create such image on the fly in monkey (grab image from backbuffer)

muddy_shoes(Posted 2011) [#4]
There's no way to access the framebuffer in the standard Monkey libraries. If you want to be able to do that you will have to write the target code and Monkey abstraction layer yourself.

jjsonick(Posted 2011) [#5]
I'd like to test this out, but the TColor class is undefined. Can you add your code for TColor please?

Bladko(Posted 2011) [#6]
Class TColor
	Field R,G,B

	Method New(R,G,B)
		Self.R = R
		Self.G = G
		Self.B = B		
	Method New(col)
		Self.R = col & $00FF0000		
		Self.R = Self.R / $10000
		Self.G = col & $0000FF00		
		Self.G = Self.G / $100
		Self.B = col & $000000FF		
	Method GenerateColor:Int()
	 	Return $FF000000 + (R * $10000 + G * $100 + B)

Bladko(Posted 2011) [#7]
use it with temperatur / altitude / humidity layers and pick if low temp and high hum then its tundra etc...

V. Lehtinen(Posted 2014) [#8]
if any one can help me how to create such image on the fly in monkey (grab image from backbuffer)

Forget rendering and then grabbing an image. You have all the data you need in your TPerlinNoiseBasic class arrays. :)
Just calculate the pixel color values from your floats and put these in a new array, which is then put into an image:

Strict 'Come on.. Don't forget this..
'Create an image
Local img:= CreateImage(width, height)
'And an array
Local pixels:= New Int[width * height]

'...calculate pixels's color values
' and then
img.WritePixels(pixels, x, y, width, height)

It is also possible to create terrain images bigger than the screen, thanks to WritePixels parameters!

I use this code to get my tilemap-layers into images, and tilemaps usually are bigger than the screen:
    Method SetupChunks:Void()
        chunkWidth = fullWidth
        chunkHeight = fullHeight
        While chunkWidth > DeviceWidth()
            chunkWidth /= 2
        While chunkHeight > DeviceHeight()
            chunkHeight /= 2
        chunkCols = fullWidth / chunkWidth
        chunkRows = fullHeight / chunkHeight
    Method PreRender:Void()
        Local x:Int, y:Int
        Local w:Int = data.width * tileWidth 'Layer's width * Tile width
        Local h:Int = data.height * tileHeight 'Layer's height * Tile height
        graphic = CreateImage(w, h)
        Local pixels:= New Int[chunkWidth * chunkHeight] ' We only need an array for a chunk, not whole image...
        For Local chunkX:Int = 0 Until chunkCols
            For Local chunkY:Int = 0 Until chunkRows
                Cls(0, 0, 0)
                x = chunkX * chunkWidth
                y = chunkY * chunkHeight
                Select renderingType
                    Case ORTHOGONAL
                        RenderOrtho(x, y, chunkWidth, chunkHeight)
                    Case ISOMETRIC
                        RenderIsometric() ' This doesn't even work yet, so don't ask... :)
                ReadPixels(pixels, 0, 0, chunkWidth, chunkHeight) 'Read where we rendered
                MaskPixels(pixels, 0, 0, 0)
                graphic.WritePixels(pixels, x, y, chunkWidth, chunkHeight) '...but put it in right place in our image.

EDIT: Sorry.. Didn't notice this was so old... T__T

V. Lehtinen(Posted 2014) [#9]
Okay, so I played around a little and got it working with images. It "renders" the pixels straight into the image. Should there be no need for any pre-rendering. Also the terrain can be any size, even bigger than the rendering screen.

I will still be optimizing the code since there's some left-overs from the earlier rendering.. :) [DONE]
Also will be adding colormap, that isn't yet implemented. Will be using gradients which you are able to set key-colors to. [DONE]

EDIT: How it looks with 2 gradient colors (red and lighter blue):


 'Use these, in for example OnCreate()
Local Perlinek = New TPerlinNoise(640, 480)
Perlinek.SetParams(0.05, 0.99, 0.65, 8) ' Experiment with these.. ;)
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(0.0, New Color(255, 0, 0))
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(1.1, New Color(0, 128, 255)) ' Have to fix this, doesn't work as it should with key 1.0...



'And simply draw the image in OnRender():
DrawImage(Perlinek.image, 0, 0)

Code (updated with gradient):

V. Lehtinen(Posted 2014) [#10]
Here is another with Temperate-like colors:

Perlinek.SetLevelColor(1.1, New Color(2, 43, 68)) ' Water
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(0.55, New Color(9, 62, 92))
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(0.51, New Color(17, 82, 112))
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(0.5, New Color(69, 108, 118)) ' Shore
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(0.49, New Color(42, 102, 41)) ' Land
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(0.25, New Color(115, 128, 77))
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(0.15, New Color(153, 143, 92))
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(0.05, New Color(179, 160, 120))
Perlinek.SetLevelColor(0.0, New Color(220, 200, 180)) ' Mountains