
Monkey Forums/Monkey Code/Astar

GW_(Posted 2011) [#1]
Ported the excellent astar Pathfind class originally from Curtastic.

Here is a simple test app

degac(Posted 2011) [#2]
Nice porting.

I would add this for newbee users and 'new modules' (I follow the 'blitzmax' way - modules folder...)

1. create a NEW folder gw in the monkey's modules folder.
2. create in gw a new folder astar: this is the name of the 'module'
3. save the module source code in gw/astar as 'astar.monkey'

You should get something like this in the the monkey's module structure

Raz(Posted 2012) [#3]
Just implemented this for something, so thank you very much GW_ :)

andrew_r(Posted 2012) [#4]
Perfect timing! I was just hunting for an implementation of A* in Monkey before I got my hands dirty rolling my own.

Now I just need to adapt it to my needs. :)

impixi(Posted 2012) [#5]
Thanks for the code!

Here's a simplified version I created for a roguelike game I'm working on. It requires map movement data as a 1-dimensional integer array (that simulates a 2d grid), where >=1 is blocked, 0=not blocked. It makes use of object- -pooling, -referencing and -reuse so this version should be significantly faster on some platforms, though I've not tested it. It's also instance-based, so each creature/vehicle in your map could have its own pathfinding system with different parameters (that's how I'm using it, anyway).

[Left-click] to toggle a grid cell blocked/unblocked.
[Space] to block 100 random cells.



EDIT: 29-JUL-12: fixed a bug in astarint.monkey