Build process breaks on latest Android tools

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/Build process breaks on latest Android tools

Soap(Posted March) [#1]
\_mainfile.buildv87a\android\build.xml:83: Cannot find \Android\sdk\tools\ant\build.xml imported from \_mainfile.buildv87a\android\build.xml

Total time: 0 seconds
TRANS FAILED: Android build failed.
Abnormal program termination.
Exit code: -1

It looks like in latest they completely removed the ant stuff, expects you to only build gradle projects.

We really need an official gradle project based Android target.

Last good tools for Monkey Android builds using ant

marksibly(Posted March) [#2]
Where did you find a download for sdk tools r26?!?

The most recent SDK tools I can find for download is r25.2.3 here:

The SDK manager in here allows me to update to release candidate (r26 rc1) versions of SDK platform-tools and SDK build-tools, but doing this doesn't affect the 'tools' dir in any way (which I'm assuming is really 'SDK tools'?).

EdzUp(Posted April) [#3]
we can be assured that these tools will be mainstream soon if they are filtering through now. it's one of the reasons mobile is a pain to code for.

Steve Oliver(Posted April) [#4]
I also had to update Android Studio so I appreciate the link to which fixed this for me.

I stuck it in a duplicate of my sdk folder and from now on I'm keeping my Android Studio separate from the SDK tools I use for Monkey. I make more money from my pure Android apps than I do from my Monkey on Android games, and so I can't afford the time it takes every time the SDK updates and / or Monkey changes and one or the other causes a break.

Thanks again, Soap!

Xaron(Posted April) [#5]
So this happens when you update Android Studio? Oh well...

EdzUp(Posted April) [#6]
I'm wondering how long it will be before Google do a Apple and stop taking apps created using the old systems?

Soap(Posted April) [#7]
That won't happen. But Google Play Market may eventually block lower SDK built apps.

Xaron(Posted April) [#8]
Well it's a plus that Monkey somehow creates target platform projects. As long as XCode can import them it's not an issue. At some point this will break, I'm pretty sure.
Same is true for Google. They will raise the lower SDK limits but probably pretty slow so this gives still some air to breath for the time to come probably. Google is in the much worse condition that the Android devices are cluttered into so many different SDK versions that they probably have to be careful.