No sound on Microsoft Edge & tactile problems

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/No sound on Microsoft Edge & tactile problems

Vignoli(Posted 2015) [#1]
With Monkey 84e, can't play mp3 or ogg under Edge. (html5)
Also, when i set a custom resolution and i set to 1 the fullscreen in the generated html file, the tactile canvas is not streched, but the mouse do its job on all the canvas.
You can test it by touching around the top/left corner on any tactile device : it only works on a 224x288 area, that is my resolution without strech.
I've tested both MouseDown & TouchDown.

DeviceWidth & DeviceHight do not returns the fullscreen scaled values.
They returns the minimal canvas size.

SLotman(Posted 2015) [#2]
If you enable WebAudio does the sound works?


Vignoli(Posted 2015) [#3]
Thanks for your answer but it's already at True.

marksibly(Posted 2015) [#4]
MP3 is working here on Edge for me with the audiotest.monkey banana, although I had to change the browser detect kludge to also check for "Edge/". MS will never support OGG, so that's a non-starter on Edge...

I don't quite follow what you mean by 'tactile canvas' - can you post some short, simple sample code that shows the problem along with directions for reproducing it?

Vignoli(Posted 2015) [#5]
I mean that tactile and mouse not reacts the same in a fullscreen canvas.
I've set fscreen to 'true' in the html file, with a 224x288 size.
So, when i use the mouse, the canvas react proportionally to its new fullsize.
But not the tactile, who detect clicks in an area of 224x288 at the corner top/left.
Look in my link.
If you use mouse to control pacman by clicking around him, he seek you.
But if you use tactile... nothing.
Tactile is only detected if you click randomly on the top/left corner.

Tested on ipad and windows 10.
Tactile works with Firefox under windows 10, but not under Chrome.

This is the method i use to get the browser name (still no mp3 under Edge) :
	Method GetBrowserName:String()
		Local browserInfo:String = window.navigator.userAgent.ToLower()
		If (browserInfo.Contains("edge")) Then
			Return "edge"
		ElseIf(browserInfo.Contains("firefox")) Then
			Return "firefox"
		ElseIf(browserInfo.Contains("chrome") And ( Not browserInfo.Contains("opr"))) Then
			Return "chrome"
		ElseIf(browserInfo.Contains(".net")) Then
			Return "internet_explorer"
		ElseIf(browserInfo.Contains("opr")) Then
			Return "opera"
		ElseIf(browserInfo.Contains("safari")) Then
			Return "safari"
		Return "none"

                browser = GetBrowserName()
		soundExtension = ".ogg"
		If browser = "edge" Or browser = "safari" Or browser.StartsWith("internet") Then soundExtension = ".mp3"

		sndIntro = LoadSound("intro" + soundExtension)
		sndSiren = LoadSound("siren" + soundExtension)
		sndChomp1 = LoadSound("chomp1" + soundExtension)
		sndChomp2 = LoadSound("chomp2" + soundExtension)
		sndDeath = LoadSound("death" + soundExtension)
		sndEatFruit = LoadSound("eatfruit" + soundExtension)
		sndEatGhost = LoadSound("eatghost" + soundExtension)
		sndExtraPac = LoadSound("extrapac" + soundExtension)
		sndIntermission = LoadSound("intermission" + soundExtension)

Xaron(Posted 2016) [#6]
Mark, I think this is the same issue I have now here: