Typo in builders\glfw.monkey (v81b)

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/Typo in builders\glfw.monkey (v81b)

Trion(Posted 2015) [#1]
Is there a little typo?

Monkey\src\transcc\builders\glfw.monkey (v81b)
			Case "rebug" <------------------ Debug, maybe?
				ccopts+=" -O0"
			Case "release"
				ccopts+=" -O3 -DNDEBUG"

Shagwana(Posted 2015) [#2]
Looks like that is present in the latest version as well (v83b). (Do not know if it is a bug)

Samah(Posted 2015) [#3]
It's for masochists to manually introduce bugs into their code.

marksibly(Posted 2015) [#4]
Thanks - debugged I think!