Extern static members

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/Extern static members

Pixtel(Posted 2014) [#1]
I've tried to extern a static member and I can't get its value.

In my java file I have
class MyClass
public final static int MY_MEMBER = 1;

In my monkey file I have
Class MyClass

When I try to use my static member in my monkey's project, I call in a function the static member like this and the value is not present
Print "member:"+MyClass.MY_MEMBER

In the output file Monkey.java after preprocess, there's no trace of MyClass.MY_MEMBER, the expression was clean during the preprocessor processing.

One solution to get it work is to change static member by static function

I have in my java file
class MyClass
public static int int MY_MEMBER
return 1;

and in my monkey file
Class MyClass
Function MY_MEMBER:Int()

This configuration works and I can make call like static member MyClass.MY_MEMBER
I think there's a bug with Extern static member. I work with v79e release on android target.

marksibly(Posted 2014) [#2]
Try using 'Global', eg:

Class MyClass
Global MY_MEMBER:Int	

But yes, there are currently problems with Const in extern classes, the main issue being they trip up monkey's const optimizer/evaluator.

Even when fixed, they could cause problems in java, eg:

while( T.something ){

...where 'something' is a const bool may trigger the dreaded 'unreachable code' in java targets.

I'll have a closer look at this when I get some time, but using 'Global' instead should do the trick in most situations.