WinPhone: IAP not working?

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/WinPhone: IAP not working?

dragon(Posted 2014) [#1]
I tested my code on Android - and it worked fine...
On WinPhone, i found a problem with this line:


i do not know what is wrong with it
when i comment it out, all is fine...
but store is not working then

VS2012 message:
First-chance exception at 0x77B81EDB in TaskHost.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x0573F750. HRESULT:0x805A0194

this error comes direct at start...
if i start my game on phone - here is no crash or something,
but store is not opened then...

my code is nearly the same sample code:

	Method InitPurchases:Void ()
		store = New MonkeyStore()
		store.AddProducts(["pay_1"], 1)
		store.OpenStoreAsync(Self) '<<<<<PROBLEM

i started my app from VS2012 - instead downloading beta app from store
or do i need something else?


Xaron(Posted 2014) [#2]
Had the same issue and gave up...

dragon(Posted 2014) [#3]

i had success with my beta app!
after i uploaded it - and downloaded (signed app) on phone,
i could open the store and buy something...

my app started from VS2012 do not worked....

on android i do not need to upload and download my app...

Xaron(Posted 2014) [#4]
Well that's interesting! Thanks for sharing! :)

dragon(Posted 2014) [#5]
strange... i did nothing... and started my app 2 hours later, and it do not start anymore...
i reinstalled it... nothing helps...

dragon(Posted 2014) [#6]
i noticed, that...
if here is something wrong with store, the app exits directly...
because here are many ERROR-commands in monkeystore...

if store is unavailable, my app should never quit!!!
it should simply ignore this...

(but i see no error message)

	Method BuyProductAsync:Void( product:Product,onComplete:IOnBuyProductComplete )
		If _state<0 Error "Store unavailable"
		If _state=0 Error "Store not open"
		If _state<>1 Error "Store currently busy"

marksibly(Posted 2014) [#7]
> Had the same issue and gave up...

You have to click 'continue' here - as far as I can tell, it's just the way msvc/winrt works. See my reply to your bug report for more info. Note that this only happens when you run the app from msvc.

> if here is something wrong with store, the app exits directly...

Do NOT use BuyProductAsync if store did not open correctly!

dragon(Posted 2014) [#8]
LoadPurchases not worked for me...
need to check why...

Xaron(Posted 2014) [#9]
Interesting. Please keep us posted what's wrong there!

dragon(Posted 2014) [#10]
i found out, that following line crash my app:

purchases = New JsonObject(json)

it seems that deinstalling and installing again do not help to remove saved data
i need to check what is wrong with saved json string...

i tested with a smaller sample code - but it worked fine (installed from VS and not from store).

dragon(Posted 2014) [#11]
my json string is

it do not look corrupt...
i checked for unicode etc... it is pure ascii without any control chars...
but this command fail to load and crash:

purchases = New JsonObject(json)

i decided to do not use JsonObject
and save purchases with SaveState...

this should fix it for me...
i do not know, why this happen...