Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/ANDROID_MAINFEST_APPLICATION ?

Nobuyuki(Posted 2013) [#1]

I was gonna report this on GitHub but I don't know if it's a bug, and I also don't know if new issues are being actively checked, so -

In transcc/builders/android.monkey line 52, there are references to config vars ANDROID_MAINFEST_APPLICATION and ANDROID_MAINFEST_MAIN -- these seem to be typos but as far as I can tell do not effect the final build output, possibly because AdMob doesn't have the same typo. Consts are declared in the final output for both the intended spellings and the typo spellings, as of 75d.

There are only 2 references to these typos, so it doesn't seem likely that fixing them will make anything explode, however it would probably be a good idea to fix them just in case the defaults change and it doesn't appear obvious why the changes aren't being reflected in the output.