iOS external events kills Monkey Sound!

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/iOS external events kills Monkey Sound!

Difference(Posted 2013) [#1]
If a timer goes off or you receive an incoming call, monkey audio stops, and will not play again, until the Monkey app is restarted.

PlaySound() will not work, I think PlayMusic() might.

I'm on v75a, Xcode5 and can reproduce the error on iPhone 4, iOS7 and iPad 4th gen iOS 6
this way:

1) Run bananas/mac/suspendtest
2) Start the app , and make it loop a sample
3) Click HomeButton to set a timer to go off in the next 1 or 2 minuttes.
4) go back to suspendtest and notice it's playing audio.
5) when the timer pops up on top, click ok.
6) Sound is now not working in suspentest anymore.

[EDIT] : Just tested on iOS 6.1.3 , iPod thouch 4 gen, Xcode 5, Monkey 76a and the problem remains the same.

Difference(Posted 2013) [#2]
I think I have found a cure for this!

Taking a cue from

in gxtkAudio::Suspend()

in gxtkAudio::Resume()

Difference(Posted 2013) [#3]
This is fixed in 76d.

Thanks! :-)