Finaly managed to replicate "the reflection bug"
Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/Finaly managed to replicate "the reflection bug"
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It's very weird to replicate: you'll need this folders structure: C:\Monkey Compiler\MonkeyPro75d\modules c:\Monkey compiler\Shared modules all them in your modpaths config. Then place a file with this contents here: C:\Monkey Compiler\testfile.monkey with this contents: Import junglegui Function Main() End junglegui module is placed in the Shared modules folder, and it publicly imports both mojo and reflection. The bug is a bug that makes Trans crash, not that it reports a compilation error, but trans itself crashes (it even opens the c++ debugger in Jungle Ide) with the following error: C:\Monkey Compiler\MonkeyPro75d\bin\transcc_winnt.exe -run -config=debug -target=Html5_Game -modpath="C:\Monkey Compiler\MonkeyPro75d\modules;C:\Monkey Compiler\MonkeyPro75d\modules_ext;C:\Monkey Compiler\shared modules" "C:\Monkey Compiler\refbug.monkey" TRANS monkey compiler V1.56 Parsing... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION: This JungleGui module wich is released under the BSD-2 License Use at your own risk. See the source code for license details ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Semanting... Monkey Runtime Error : reflection module not found! Place the same monkey file anywhere else and it works. It seems like an issue solving module's location in disk or something like this. Obviously the reflection module was present always, it's just that it seems to be a problem when it is located at the folder I did. |