Windows 8 LoadImage/SoundAsync .72b

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/Windows 8 LoadImage/SoundAsync .72b

Polan(Posted 2013) [#1]
Can't compile for win8 target whith Async functions present. Commenting them out/removing helps.
  E:\programy\Kompilatory\Visual Studio 2012\VC\bin\CL.exe /c /IPATH\ /IDebug\ /IPATH\ /I"Generated Files\\" /IDebug\ /ZI /ZW /ZW:nostdlib /nologo /W0 /WX- /sdl /MP /Od /Oy- /D _DEBUG /D _UNICODE /D UNICODE /D _DEBUG /D WINAPI_FAMILY=WINAPI_FAMILY_APP /Gm- /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Yu"pch.h" /Fp"Debug\pch.pch" /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc110.pdb" /Gd /TP /wd4453 /FU"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0\ExtensionSDKs\Microsoft.VCLibs\11.0\References\CommonConfiguration\neutral\platform.winmd" /FU"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\References\CommonConfiguration\Neutral\Windows.winmd" /FU"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\References\CommonConfiguration\Neutral\Windows.winmd" /analyze- /errorReport:queue MonkeyGame.cpp
PATH\monkeygame.cpp(11821): error C2512: 'gxtkSurface' : no appropriate default constructor available [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]
PATH\monkeygame.cpp(11821): error C2784: 'void gc_assign(Array<T> &,Array<T>)' : could not deduce template argument for 'Array<T> &' from 'gxtkSurface *' [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]
          PATH\monkeygame.cpp(678) : see declaration of 'gc_assign'
PATH\monkeygame.cpp(11900): error C2039: 'OnUnsafeLoadComplete' : is not a member of 'gxtkSurface' [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]
          PATH\monkeygame.cpp(3214) : see declaration of 'gxtkSurface'
PATH\monkeygame.cpp(12599): error C2512: 'gxtkSample' : no appropriate default constructor available [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]
PATH\monkeygame.cpp(12599): error C2784: 'void gc_assign(Array<T> &,Array<T>)' : could not deduce template argument for 'Array<T> &' from 'gxtkSample *' [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]
          PATH\monkeygame.cpp(678) : see declaration of 'gc_assign'
Kompilowanie projektu "PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj" wykonane (domy&#65533;lne elementy docelowe) - NIEPOWODZENIE.
Kompilowanie projektu "PATH\MonkeyGame.sln" wykonane (domy&#65533;lne elementy docelowe) - NIEPOWODZENIE.

Kompilacja NIE POWIOD&#65533;A SI&#65533;.

"PATH\MonkeyGame.sln" (domy&#65533;lny element docelowy) (1)->
"PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj" (domy&#65533;lny element docelowy) (2)->
(element docelowy ClCompile) -> 
  PATH\monkeygame.cpp(11821): error C2512: 'gxtkSurface' : no appropriate default constructor available [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]
  PATH\monkeygame.cpp(11821): error C2784: 'void gc_assign(Array<T> &,Array<T>)' : could not deduce template argument for 'Array<T> &' from 'gxtkSurface *' [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]
  PATH\monkeygame.cpp(11900): error C2039: 'OnUnsafeLoadComplete' : is not a member of 'gxtkSurface' [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]
  PATH\monkeygame.cpp(12599): error C2512: 'gxtkSample' : no appropriate default constructor available [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]
  PATH\monkeygame.cpp(12599): error C2784: 'void gc_assign(Array<T> &,Array<T>)' : could not deduce template argument for 'Array<T> &' from 'gxtkSample *' [PATH\MonkeyGame.vcxproj]