linux glfw: minib3d needs config added
Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/linux glfw: minib3d needs config added
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hi, to get minib3d running on linux, i think this needs to be added to "main.h" #elif __linux #define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <pthread.h> #endif and this to the makefile: LDLIBS=-lGL -lopenal -lX11 -lpthread -lrt i don't have linux, so i can't confirm it, but in the current minib3d thread, others are saying it works. |
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It's been a bit since I messed with monkey and the fix will work, but I get warnings about pointer size being different as I'm on a 64bit OS. And the main.h file didn't need to be modified passing a such thing can be achieved by the make file. Adding -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES to the end of CPPFLAGS=$(CCOPTS) would do just as well. I have to do a few of these thing to get any thing monkey glfw related to build on my system. And I'm sure -lrt isn't needed any more as I'm possitive that it's been added as a filter with libc. You would only add that for backward compatibility with an older OS. A few more directives of interest which you would find in the glfw/lib/x11/platform.h -D_GLFW_HAS_GLXGETPROCADDRESS -D_GLFW_USE_LINUX_JOYSTICKS -D_GLFW_HAS_XF86VIDMODE -D_GLFW_HAS_SCHED_YIELD -D_GLFW_HAS_SYSCONF -pthread It would be nice if Mark add an easy way so you can pass such things in monkey code. |