Garbage code not detected

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/Garbage code not detected

Fred(Posted 2013) [#1]
It is not important and may not be a bug at all but as it leads to a compilation error with android and no error from monkey it is worth to mention.
I'm discovering it trying v70f, but I didn't compile with android since my mistake was introduced in the code with v70e.

After some quick copy and paste of some parts of code I left this line in this state:
local url:String params.Length

Obviously, the params.Length has nothing to do here
The resulting code with HTML5 is
var t_url="";

It compiles and runs well.

But with Android the resulting useless code still about the same:
String t_url="";

But the java compiler complains about it: not a statement [javac] t_params.length;

Should this error be mentionned from Monkey ?