Characters in TED console - Russian symbols.
Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/Characters in TED console - Russian symbols.
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Hi! I have trouble with console in TED. When I try to compile on GLFW target it works fine - but many messages in console looks like:TRANS monkey compiler V1.46 Parsing... Semanting... Translating... Building... Microsoft (R) Build Engine Version 4.0.30319.1 [Microsoft .NET Framework ¢¥àᨨ 4.0.30319.296] (C) Š®à¯®à æ¨ï Œ ©ªà®á®äâ (Microsoft Corp.), 2007. ®áâ஥¨¥ ç â® 19.05.2013 4:04:26. à®¥ªâ "E:\MonkeyPro\bananas\project1\\glfw\vc2010\MonkeyGame.sln" ¢ 㧫¥ 1 (楫¥¢ë¥ ®¡ê¥ªâë ¯® 㬮«ç ¨î). ValidateSolutionConfiguration: ‘®§¤ ¨¥ ª®ä¨£ãà 樨 à¥è¥¨ï "Debug|Win32". à®¥ªâ "E:\MonkeyPro\bananas\project1\\glfw\vc2010\MonkeyGame.sln" (1) ¢ë¯®«ï¥â ¯®áâ஥¨¥ "E:\MonkeyPro\bananas\project1\\glfw\vc2010\MonkeyGame.vcxproj" (2) ¢ 㧫¥ 1 (楫¥¢ë¥ ®¡ê¥ªâë ¯® 㬮«ç ¨î). PrepareForBuild: ‘®§¤ ¨¥ ª â «®£ "E:\MonkeyPro\bananas\project1\\glfw\vc2010\build\Debug\". InitializeBuildStatus: ‘®§¤ ¨¥ "E:\MonkeyPro\bananas\project1\\glfw\vc2010\build\Debug\MonkeyGame.unsuccessfulbuild", â ª ª ª ¡ë«® § ¤ ® "AlwaysCreate". end etc... Istead of messages I have a strange symbols... Can I something to do with that or this is some char. encoding issue? |
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Ok - I have a some solution: So I delete localized version of dot net and delete any "ru"-folders. And reinstall VS2010 - now all messages in english. But full language support will be nice :) |
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The output looks to me like it's using html to output unicode. Ted's console used to work in 'html' mode (perhaps try an older version, say 66b?) but it made it impossible to debug programs that generated html (and did weird things with the output of programs that generated text with '<' and '&' etc in it) so I disabled it. And I think this is correct - the Ted console should just be displaying raw characters so you can debug *anything*. The problem IMO is that msbuild is not using UTF8 (although I'm not totally sure Ted's console can currently handle that) - perhaps because MS don't support it very well at the OS level. Perhaps there's a way to get msbuild to output UTF8? If so, I could apply any necessary fixes to the Ted console to get it working. But I don't believe the console should recognize html in any way. |
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Sorry Mark - maybe I little confuse you - this forum convert abracadabra-symbols into HTML codes when I posted it - in my console windows it was char-table specfic symbols like "trademark", "copyright" and etc Ok I solve MSBuild encoding problem by removing russian version and install eng (its fine for me), but now I have same problem with Flex (I am bought full version and checking all available targets - Monkey is awesome :)) I agree html support in console is not necessary... EDIT: Maybe just add in TED options line "console font" and allow users to set any font? |