string compare in android wont compile

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/string compare in android wont compile

slenkar(Posted 2013) [#1]
Import mojo

Class humors Extends App

Field stringy:String
Method OnUpdate:Int()

If "trev "+stringy="trev vv"
Print "it matches"

End Method
Method OnRender:Int()

End Method

Method OnCreate:Int()
SetUpdateRate 30

End Method
End Class

Function Main:Int()
New humors
End Function

if you try to compile this in android it will complain about the string comparison

c.k.(Posted 2013) [#2]
I hate to ask, but just in case:

Did you try

If ("trev "+stringy)="trev vv"

I've had weird things happen when I didn't specify groups like that. For instance, for you, it might be trying to parse the boolean value of [monkeycode]stringy="trev vv"[/monkeycode] first, then adding a boolean to a string.

slenkar(Posted 2013) [#3]
it works on the other platforms so it has to be just an android issue.

muddy_shoes(Posted 2013) [#4]
It is a target consistency bug with the way Java is being generated. However, if you want to progress rather than wait for the fix, you can avoid it by creating a local string variable with the concatenation and using that variable in the comparison.

slenkar(Posted 2013) [#5]
yeah i just used stringy.Compare(other_string)