Testing this under HTML5 on latest Windows Chrome/Firefox under Monkey 67b, the image is always instantly Null, yet as far as I can see it's compliant with the Resource Paths documentation:
Import mojo
Class Game Extends App
Field mx:Float, my:Float
Field image:Image
Method OnCreate ()
image = LoadImage ("http://www.hi-toro.com/boing.png")
If image = Null Then Print "No loady image"
SetUpdateRate 60
Method OnUpdate ()
mx = MouseX ()
my = MouseY ()
Method OnRender ()
Cls 64, 96, 128
DrawImage image, mx, my
Function Main ()
New Game
I was hoping to answer this query, at least for the currently supported platforms. I didn't actually realise we had remote resource support (cool!) and initially tried to do it via HTTP GET, but of course I'd have had to save the file and then call LoadImage, which would be a bit crap as well as more prone to failure.
EDIT: Just tried uploading to the same server (ie. hi-toro.com) in case it was a domain thing, but same result.