Image.GrabImage() bug + fix
Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/Image.GrabImage() bug + fix
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When using GrabImage and grabbing multiple rows of frames if X value is greater than 0 all rows after the first start their row at 0 X regardless of what was set for the X value in the GrabImage function. Example: image.png(550x300) [monkeycode]gfx = LoadImage( "image.png" ) textures = gfx.GrabImage( 50, 0, 100, 100, 15 )[/monkeycode] The first row of frames are grabbed fine but the 2 following start at x=0 so all the frames are offset by 50 pixels Fix: [monkeycode]Method Grab:Image( x,y,iwidth,iheight,nframes,iflags,source:Image ) Self.source=source surface=source.surface width=iwidth height=iheight frames=New Frame[nframes] Local ix:=x,iy:=y For Local i=0 Until nframes If ix+width>source.width ix=x '<------------ from ix=0 iy+=height Endif If ix+width>source.width Or iy+height>source.height Error "Image frame outside surface" Endif frames[i]=New Frame( ix+source.frames[0].x,iy+source.frames[0].y ) ix+=width Next ApplyFlags iflags Return Self End[/monkeycode] |