Weird compiler bug.

Monkey Forums/Monkey Bug Reports/Weird compiler bug.

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#1]
To replicate. Write this in a file:
file firstfile.monkey:
Import secondfile
Function Main()
	Local a:= new Another 
Class MyClass
	Field x:Int = 34
	Method Draw:String()
	Field filednumber1:Int = 45
	Method Kill:Int()

And this:
file secondfile.monkey
Import firstfile

Class Another extends MyClass
	Field fieldnumber1:Long
	Method See:Int()
		Print y

When you create a public field that has the same name as a private field on a ancestor private area of a class, the program refuses to compile. The compiler outputs that the identifier can't be found. In my opinion, the only solution for this is to make this illegal as it is a hardly impossible to solve clash, but the error is not very well explained and gives something as weird as:
Identifier 'fieldnumber1' not found - perhaps you meant 'fieldnumber1'?

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#2]
Forget it, the problem is that invoking a field is reporting weird bug messages. I hope this will be solved soon, as this can be something happening when converting properties to fields and vice-versa.