How does AppPath work?

Monkey Forums/Monkey Beginners/How does AppPath work?

Pakz(Posted February) [#1]
I am trying to read the directory where the monkey program is run but I am getting a Error : Identifier 'AppPath' not found.

I put the brl.databuffer there which is on top of the help file where the apppath command is listed but it does not help.

Import mojo

Import brl.FileSystem
Import brl.databuffer

Class MyGame Extends App

    Method OnCreate()
    End Method
    Method OnUpdate()        
    End Method
    Method OnRender()
        Cls 0,0,0 
        SetColor 255,255,255
    End Method
End Class

Function renamedir()
        For Local f:=Eachin LoadDir(AppPath())
			DebugLog f
End Function

Function Main()
    New MyGame()
End function

ps - and how do you rename files? Or do you have to copy and delete files to do that?

dawlane(Posted February) [#2]
Import the os module
or brl.process.

Edit: The online docs are out of sync with the latest release.
and don't use capitols in the imports.

Pakz(Posted February) [#3]
I had tried the os import but it gave an error then. The databuffer import seems to work though.

thanks !

dawlane(Posted February) [#4]
The OS module is strictly for glfw or standard CPP. The brl.process as far as I known should work with the other targets that get regularly updated, but I think HTML is the exception.

For renaming you have three approaches:
Copy and delete the old
Invoke the shells own rename commands.
Write native code to interface with the shared libraries that handle the file system.