Object Arrays

Monkey Forums/Monkey Beginners/Object Arrays

Dal1980(Posted 2017) [#1]
Hi, New to Monkey X

I was playing around with the free one until I had to buy before I could ask questions. I don't know if this makes any difference but I'm still using the free one for now as I'm running out of time tonight to set it up.

(is there not a code tag on this create topic screen?): Update: I found the tool tip after I posted :)

I'm trying to create an object array but don't quite understand the syntax. I've been searching for quite a while and couldn't find a question to this problem:

Here's my code in full
Import mojo

Function Main ()
	New Game

Class SpawnAlien
	Field x:Float
	Field y:Float
	Field sprite:Image		

Class Game Extends App
	Field backDrop:Image
	Field player:Image
	Field x:Float = 355
	Field y:Float = 550
	Field spawns:Int
	Field alien:Object [6]

	Method OnCreate ()
		SetDeviceWindow (800, 600, 1)
		backDrop = LoadImage ("space-intruders-bg.png")		
		player = LoadImage ("defender.png")

		For spawns = 0 To 5
			alien[spawns] = New SpawnAlien
			alien[spawns].x = 50 * spawns
			alien[spawns].y = 200
			alien[spawns].sprite = LoadImage ("alien-type-1-1.png")
		SetUpdateRate 60		
	Method OnUpdate ()
		If KeyDown (KEY_LEFT) And x > 0 Then x = x - 4
		If KeyDown (KEY_RIGHT) And x < 708 Then x = x + 4

		If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) ' maps to the back button in Android
			EndApp() ' or Error ""
	Method OnRender ()
		Cls 64, 96, 128
		DrawImage backDrop, 0, 0
		DrawImage player, x, y

		For spawns = 0 To 5
			DrawImage alien[spawns].sprite, alien[spawns].x, alien[spawns].y

The part I'm trying to get working is:
Field alien:Object [6]
Method OnCreate ()
		For spawns = 0 To 5
			alien[spawns] = New SpawnAlien
			alien[spawns].x = 50 * spawns
			alien[spawns].y = 200
			alien[spawns].sprite = LoadImage ("alien-type-1-1.png")

	Method OnRender ()
		For spawns = 0 To 5
			DrawImage alien[spawns].sprite, alien[spawns].x, alien[spawns].y

alien is an object array set to 6 elements which are loop instantiated using the call to the SpawnAlien class. The problem is that I get the following error upon compile:

Error : Identifier 'x' not found.

Can anyone tell me what I've missed with this alien[spawns].x

Many thanks

Jesse(Posted 2017) [#2]
Object is a class just like your spawnAlien class. Object has been predefined by the language itself and is what every instance of a class you create is extended from. it's done automatic by the compiler. But the object class does not have any fields or components by itself. You can actually assign any class object created into it but you loose all usability of globals, fields, methods and functions from the original class. That is because the object class doesn't know or take possession of the components declared by the original class, in your case "SpawnAlien". to access components of the SpawnAlien class an instance of the SpawnAlien class must be created as an SpawnAlien not as an Object. After you create it and fill the components then you can assign it to the object class such as this:
		For spawns = 0 To 5
			Local an:SpawnAlien = New SpawnAlien '**********************
			an.x = 50 * spawns
			an.y = 200
			an.sprite = LoadImage ("alien-type-1-1.png")
			alien[spawns] = an '****************************

the problem after assigning it to the Object class is that you can not access any components from the SpawnAlien class instance. to access the components you need to cast the object instance back to "SpawnAlien":
		For spawns = 0 To 5
			Local an:SpawnAlien = SpawnAlien(alien[spawns]) '*******************
			DrawImage an.sprite, an.x, an.y

your code will work better if you do it like this:

Import mojo

Function Main ()
	New Game

Class Alien  '**************************
	Field x:Float
	Field y:Float
	Field sprite:Image		

Class Game Extends App
	Field backDrop:Image
	Field player:Image
	Field x:Float = 355
	Field y:Float = 550
	Field spawns:Int
	Field alien:Alien [6]  '************************************

	Method OnCreate ()
		SetDeviceWindow (800, 600, 1)
		backDrop = LoadImage ("space-intruders-bg.png")		
		player = LoadImage ("defender.png")
		Local img:Image = LoadImage ("alien-type-1-1.png") '***********************
		For spawns = 0 To 5
			alien[spawns] = New Alien '*****************************
			alien[spawns].x = 50 * spawns '********************
			alien[spawns].y = 200 '***************
			alien[spawns].sprite = img '**************
		SetUpdateRate 60		
	Method OnUpdate ()
		If KeyDown (KEY_LEFT) And x > 0 Then x = x - 4
		If KeyDown (KEY_RIGHT) And x < 708 Then x = x + 4

		If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) ' maps to the back button in Android
			EndApp() ' or Error ""
	Method OnRender ()
		Cls 64, 96, 128
		DrawImage backDrop, 0, 0
		DrawImage player, x, y

		For spawns = 0 To 5
			DrawImage alien[spawns].sprite, alien[spawns].x, alien[spawns].y '**************

Dal1980(Posted 2017) [#3]
Thanks Jesse

It's a bit hard to read on my phone but looking forward to tonight when I can try your suggestion

Many thanks for your reply, I appreciate it


Dal1980(Posted 2017) [#4]
Ah, so just changed

Field alien:object [6]


Field alien:SpawnAlien [6]

Working :) ty