Req: Generic type constraints

Monkey Forums/Monkey Beginners/Req: Generic type constraints

Nobuyuki(Posted 2014) [#1]
I dunno, just for fun let's have a discussion about 'em? Rather than enforcing the type constraints in the generic class, why not have trans enforce 'em at compile time. C# seems to have okay syntax for this. VB.NET's would look a little weirder in Monkey when using multiple constraints.

Class RefTypeContainer<T> Where T:Object  

Class RefTypeContainer<T:Object>

This gets hairier with multiple constraints.
Class BugsAndSkugsOnly<T> Where T:{Bugs, Skugs}

Class BugsAndSkugsOnly<T:{Bugs, Skugs}> 

...or multiple parameters.
Class ValueMap<K,V> Where K:{Int,Float}, V:{Int,Float}

Class ValueMap<K:{Int,Float}, V:{Int,Float}>

thoughts? discuss...

Nobuyuki(Posted 2014) [#2]
whoops, posted this in monkey beginners instead of monkey programming....

Samah(Posted 2014) [#3]
You mean like this?

Yes, I agree that generic bounds and wildcards would be lovely.

marksibly(Posted 2014) [#4]
I look at generic constraints in the early days of Monkey, but was put off by stack overflow questions like:

Why do you use the type <E extends Comparable> in various APIs, which is not "fully generified"? Shouldn't it be <E extends Comparable<?>>, <E extends Comparable<E>> or <E extends Comparable<? super E>>?

At the time, Monkey was based on Java generics, and some of the implications this had on constraints (probably) meant code had to deal with crap like <E extends Comparable<? super E>>. I still like to think of Monkey as 'easy to use', but given I had trouble getting my own head around how this stuff was supposed to work, I wasn't keen on inflicting it on others. If I'd had a bit more experience with Java generics, perhaps I would have thought differently, but I hadn't...

Anyway, possibly a good thing since Monkey generics received a major overhaul and are now closer to c#'s (and closest to c++'s) which has much saner generic constraint syntax. Still, even that is somewhat limited by the way c# generics work, eg: you can specify that 'type must have a default ctor' (not a problem in Monkey!) but you can't specify that 'type must have blah(etc)' ctor. In c++/monkey, you can basically stick anything in a generic class and, if it compiles with given type params, it compiles! With java/c#, the more you allow to be 'compilable' inside a generic type, the more elaborate your generic constraint syntax must be, leading to the above sort of nastiness.

But I can sort of see how generics constraints 'describe' the intended purpose of a generic type to the compiler, and I'm not totally against the idea of making some kind of generic constraint syntax at least optional - my preference probably being for something like...

Class ActorList<T Extends Actor>
Class SortableList<T Implements Comparable<T>> just use a 'mini class decl' as the constraint. Although this ignores the issue of how to specify 'numeric type', 'string type' etc, which support different operators/methods than objects.

But right now, it's not a priority as it doesn't allow you to do anything 'more' than you can currently do with lazy/no constraints