Help with extending MAP

Monkey Forums/Monkey Beginners/Help with extending MAP

Trez(Posted 2014) [#1]
I have been trying to create a FSM Manager that will allow me to create FSM's for any objects and add/ execute states on the FSM's.

The Idea is any class I need a FSM on I implement IFsmObject ( all code is below) I can then register states against this object:

FSM.GetInstance().RegisterState(Self, "normal", New NormalState())

Basic FsmState

Class NormalState Extends FsmState
	Method ExecuteState:String(obj:IFsmObject)
		Return ""


This seems to work OK if the IFsmObjects are the same type but as soon as I add a new type of object that implements IFsmObject with Register it looks like it somehow uses that same object type. Could be my Extension of Map or something else ! any ideas ?

	summary: A FsmMap is a convenience class for mapping IFsmObject objects to StringMap<FsmState>. 
Class FsmMap<V> Extends Map<IFsmObject, V>
	Method Compare:Int(lhs:IFsmObject, rhs:IFsmObject)
		If lhs = rhs Return 0
		Return 1

	summary: interface that defines required properties for a Finite State Machine.
Interface IFsmObject
	Method CurrentState:FsmState() Property
	Method CurrentState:Void(state:FsmState) Property
	Method PreviousState:FsmState() Property
	Method PreviousState:Void(state:FsmState) Property


	summary:Abstract class that defines the basic State structure for Finite State Machines.
	Classes that Extend FsmState must implement ExscuteState
Class FsmState Abstract
	Field stateName:String

	Method StateName:String() Property
		Return Self.stateName
	Method StateName:Void(stateName:String) Property
		Self.stateName = stateName
	Method EnterState:Void(obj:IFsmObject)
	Method ExitState:Void(obj:IFsmObject)
	Method ExecuteState:String(obj:IFsmObject) Abstract




Import reflection

summary:The main singleton Finite State Machine manager Class.
The purpose of this Class is To create and manage all FSMState states for all IFSMObject Finite State Machines.
Individual states are instantiated and hashed on a per-FSM basis. The FSM class will also handle transitions 
and call all the neccesary transition callbacks on based on the specifications of individual states.
Class FSM
	Global instance:FSM = Null
	Field stateHash:FsmMap<StringMap<FsmState>> = New FsmMap<StringMap<FsmState>>

	Method New()		
	summary: The FSM singleton object. 
	Use GetInstance() to access all FSM functionality.
	Function GetInstance:FSM()
		If instance = Null Then
			instance = New FSM()
		Return instance
	summary:Executes the specified Finite State Machine.
	Specifically, this executes the CurrentState of the specified IFSMObject and performs any neccesary 
	transitions via the SetState method.
	Method Execute:Void(obj:IFsmObject)
		If obj.CurrentState <> Null
			Local FsmTable:StringMap<FsmState> = StringMap<FsmState>(Self.stateHash.Get(obj))
			If FsmTable = Null Then

			Local targetState:FsmState = GetState(obj, obj.CurrentState().ExecuteState(obj))
			SetState(obj, targetState)

	summary:Attempt To set the CurrentState of the specified IFSMObject To the state specified and call any appropriate state transitions.
    State is specified by name.
	Method SetState:Void(obj:IFsmObject, stateName:String)
		If stateName = "" Then Return
		SetState(obj, GetState(obj, stateName))
	summary:Attempt To set the CurrentState of the specified IFSMObject To the state specified and call any appropriate state transitions.
    The actual instance of the desired state is passed. This should normally only be used internally by the FSM class. The preferred
    method is SetState(IFSMObject obj, string stateName).
	Method SetState:Void(obj:IFsmObject, state:FsmState)
		Local FsmTable:StringMap<FsmState> = StringMap<FsmState>(Self.stateHash.Get(obj))
		If FsmTable = Null Then Return
		If obj <> Null And state <> Null And FsmTable.Contains(state.StateName())
			If obj.CurrentState() <> Null Then obj.CurrentState().ExitState(obj)
	summary: Register a state To be accessible To the specified Finite State Machine.
	This Method will create an instance of the FSMState and hash it under the specified name in a table created specifically
	for the specified IFSMObject's class type. The state can later be retrieved by name using GetState.
	Method RegisterState:Void(obj:IFsmObject, stateName:String, fsmObject:FsmState)
		Print("Adding State : " + stateName + " to " + GetClass(obj).Name)
		If Not Self.stateHash.Contains(obj)
			Self.stateHash.Add(obj, New StringMap<FsmState>)

		Local FsmTable:StringMap<FsmState> = StringMap<FsmState>(Self.stateHash.Get(obj))
		If FsmTable = Null
			' Throw an exception here !!!!
		If FsmTable.Contains(stateName)
			If FsmTable.Get(stateName) = fsmObject Then Return
		FsmTable.Add(stateName, fsmObject)
		summary:Get the instance of the specified state that's registered for the specified IFSMObject.
	Method GetState:FsmState(obj:IFsmObject, stateName:String)
		Local FsmTable:StringMap<FsmState> = StringMap<FsmState>(Self.stateHash.Get(obj))
		If FsmTable = Null Or stateName = ""
			Return Null
		Return FsmState(FsmTable.Get(stateName))

muddy_shoes(Posted 2014) [#2]
Your compare method doesn't meet the documented requirements:

"The compare method must return a negative value if lhs < rhs, a positive value if lhs > rhs, or 0 if lhs = rhs. "

Trez(Posted 2014) [#3]
Hi muddy_shoes thanks for the reply but how do I compare < or > when its an object of type IFsmObject ?

muddy_shoes(Posted 2014) [#4]
You need to add your own ordering value/calculation of some kind.

This recent thread discussed the same issue:

Trez(Posted 2014) [#5]
Thanks again ill check that out now.

Also when using reflection to see the class name when registering states in RegisterState they all return the same class name monkey.lang.Object. I was expecting the type to be returned. Any ideas why ?

Print("Adding State : " + stateName + " to " + GetClass(obj).Name)

Adding State : normal to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : alert to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : dead to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : normal to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : alert to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : dead to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : refuel to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : attack to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : gotobase to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : find to monkey.lang.Object
Adding State : dead to monkey.lang.Object

muddy_shoes(Posted 2014) [#6]
"Any ideas why?"

I haven't used reflection much but I'd guess that you aren't including the appropriate classes under your reflection filter. Maybe check that the classes you're interested in are included with GetClasses?

Trez(Posted 2014) [#7]
Ill Check the reflection filters, first time i have attempted to use reflection in monkey.

Anyway more to the point I added an fsmid:Int and used that in the comparer, works great now.

thanks very much for your time :)