JSON parsing problem

Monkey Forums/Monkey Beginners/JSON parsing problem

Moerin(Posted 2014) [#1]
I'm coding an html 5 app and to load my game level, i want to use json files.

So, to give it a try, i have wrote a sample json file and i use the muddy_shoes's lib to parse it.

My code :
	Local str:= LoadString("test.json")
		Local data:JSONDataItem = JSONData.ReadJSON(str)
		Local jsonObject:JSONObject = JSONObject(data)
		For Local a:= EachIn jsonObject.Names()
			Print a

My Json :

But when i start my app, the console showing this output :
Monkey Runtime Error : Array index out of range

Thanks for the help.

Goodlookinguy(Posted 2014) [#2]
I just ran this with the same lib...
Import json

Function Main()
	Local str:= "{~qtest1~q:~qvalue1~q,~qtest2~q:~qvalue2~q,~qtest3~q:~qvalue3~q}"
	Local data:JSONDataItem = JSONData.ReadJSON(str)
	Local jsonObject:JSONObject = JSONObject(data)
	For Local a:= EachIn jsonObject.Names()
		Print a

This was the output

So it looks like this code is working just fine.

Moerin(Posted 2014) [#3]
Yes, i tried like you to launch this part of code in a new file and it's appears to work.

I can't figure out why with my whole code, i have a "Monkey Runtime Error : Array index out of range" error.

EDIT : Ok i found it why. It was not related with the parse of my json.