3600 stars

Community Forums/Showcase/3600 stars

Krischan(Posted 2012) [#1]
This small demo visualizes the 3600 neighbour stars to our sun - i hope in the correct positions - done in Blitz3D. You can fly through this cloud using mouse and arrows, LMB or RMB increases the speed, ENTER shows/hides the star names. I made this demo to see how some star constellations look in 3D (here, Orion is a good example, just fly straight ahead from the start) and how far our radio signals went through space until today, shown by a pink sphere (I assume 90 years of sending radio here). I added my milkyway background and combined it with my elite style radar, so it should be easier to locate stars close to you and looks nicer.

Other notable regions are to the upper right hand the Pleidades which look different when you fly through or some binary star systems like Sirius.

You need the data file and some additional media to run, I put everything in a small ZIP file, grab it here. Unfortunately the data file is too huge to post here.

Oh my god, it is full of stars!

Last edited 2012

Blitzplotter(Posted 2012) [#2]
whoa, very impressive, great work.

BlitzSupport(Posted 2012) [#3]
That's really cool, seeing how Orion is actually laid out.

Kittomer(Posted 2012) [#4]
That is REALLY nifty.
No I want to make a privateer type game. Focus. One project at a time.

Steve Elliott(Posted 2012) [#5]
Oh get that into an Elite game when you can lol. Very cool.

Krischan(Posted 2012) [#6]
Thanks. I forgot to mention: if you press both mouse buttons at the same time you can fly at "ludicrous speed" :-D

Sung(Posted 2012) [#7]
Unbelivable Krishan. I'm deeply impressed.
Why you don't make any Space Game? You work such a long time in deep space. I'm sure that any game you will make would be great!

Best regards

Krischan(Posted 2012) [#8]
Deeply impressed? Wow - the code was written in a few days and I don't consider it "finished" - I made another addition to it showing the connections between the stars using a minimum spanning tree but the creation of the scene takes too much time. A lot of time took the creation of the star list, if you're interested in my source Excel sheet you can grab it here. A cool addition would be to show the constellations with lines connected in 3D and then fly through them but I dunno how to code it.

For a demo with connections, download the ZIP in the first post again, I added a second demo and the spanning.bb to it, but it is limited to 200 stars here (you can increase it to the full 3600 stars but it will take minutes to calculate!). It could be faster if pre-calculated but I love procedural creation. Perhaps somebody can speed it up somehow - I don't understand the code in the spanning.bb completely.

A game? I doubt I would ever finish it - I could design a game but coding and finishing is impossible - I'm a perfectionist. But yes, it is a dream to create a game. And I think it would be a space game. Perhaps a small game someday.

Screenshot with connections

Last edited 2012

Banshee(Posted 2012) [#9]
Your screen shot is giving me flashbacks to Kenny Everett's plasma ball!

This looks a cool project :). You win cool and geek trophies for this.

Krischan(Posted 2012) [#10]
Oh yes you're right. But this was not my intention here LOL