Game Manual encrypt reader & writer

Community Forums/Showcase/Game Manual encrypt reader & writer

Mainsworthy(Posted 2011) [#1]

If youve ever wanted to keep text Manuals safe from copying try my free Reader & writter that encrypts your text, and then its only viewable through A the Reader

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2011) [#2]
it says page not found. Noless, thanks for sharing.

GaryV(Posted 2011) [#3]
It would be better if you had the source for reading so you could integrate it into your game or app instead of having to have a standalone app just to read the docs. Good job, though.

Mainsworthy(Posted 2011) [#4]
Hi guys thanks for the interest.

here is the sorce for both reader & writer, its not pretty but works ok! :) if anybody wants the compiled code include an email address here.

'reader Manual code below Writer code at the end of reader code

Graphics 1024,768,32,60

Global store[4081*20]
Global page = 0
Global psy = 0
Global gfx = 20
Global ok = 1
Global sline = 0

Global ssave = LoadImage(".\grafix\back.PNG",flags=ALPHABITS )
Global lload = LoadImage(".\grafix\forward.PNG",flags=ALPHABITS )
Global pics = LoadAnimImage(".\userstuff\pics.PNG",350,695,0,gfx,flags=ALPHABITS )
savedit = ReadStream( ".\userstuff\encryptedtext.txt" )

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
DrawText "Use UP & DOWN Cursor keys or -", 670,715
DrawText "Forward & Back for fast scroll", 670,729
DrawText "Programed By Mark Ainsworth 210665", 670,745

If KeyHit(KEY_UP) Then sline = sline - 66
If KeyHit(KEY_DOWN) Then sline = sline + 66
If sline > (4080*20)-67 Then sline = 4079*20-66

DrawImage( ssave ,909+48,705,frame=1 )
DrawImage( lload ,909+48,736,frame=1 )

If MouseDown(1) And MouseX() > 957 And MouseX() < 957+45 And MouseY() > 705 And MouseY() < 735
If MouseDown(1) Then Goto qwbnms
page = page - 1
If page < 0 Then page = 0
ok = 1
sline = 0

If MouseDown(1) And MouseX() > 957 And MouseX() < 957+45 And MouseY() > 736 And MouseY() < 765
If MouseDown(1) Then Goto dqwbnms
page = page + 1
If page > 19 Then page = 19
ok = 1
sline = 0

If ok = 1
If Not savedit
Goto nofile

bt = 0
crypta = 0
crypta2 = 3
For j = 0 To (19*4080) + 4079
If Not Eof(savedit)
bt = ReadInt (savedit)
crypta = crypta + 1
If crypta = 16 Then crypta = 0
store[j] = bt - crypta - crypta2

ok = 0

DrawImage( pics,670 ,0,psy )

CloseStream savedit


Function disppage()
psy = 0
p = page * 4080
p = p + sline

For v = 0 To 68
For cnt = 0 To 66
If cnt > 56 And store[p] = 84 Then store[p] = 100

If store[p] = 100 v = v + 1
If store[p] = 100 cnt = 0

If store[p] = 79 Then psy = psy + 1
'set psy maximum png files 0=1 1=2 2=3 so on
If psy > 19 Then psy = 19

If store[p] = 1 Then DrawText "a", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 2 Then DrawText "b", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 3 Then DrawText "c", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 4 Then DrawText "d", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 5 Then DrawText "e", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 6 Then DrawText "f", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 7 Then DrawText "g", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 8 Then DrawText "h", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 9 Then DrawText "i", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 10 Then DrawText "j", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 11 Then DrawText "k", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 12 Then DrawText "l", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 13 Then DrawText "m", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 14 Then DrawText "n", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 15 Then DrawText "o", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 16 Then DrawText "p", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 17 Then DrawText "q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 18 Then DrawText "r", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 19 Then DrawText "s", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 20 Then DrawText "t", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 21 Then DrawText "u", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 22 Then DrawText "v", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 23 Then DrawText "w", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 24 Then DrawText "x", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 25 Then DrawText "y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 26 Then DrawText "z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 27 Then DrawText "A", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 28 Then DrawText "B", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 29 Then DrawText "C", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 30 Then DrawText "D", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 31 Then DrawText "E", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 32 Then DrawText "F", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 33 Then DrawText "G", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 34 Then DrawText "H", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 35 Then DrawText "I", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 36 Then DrawText "J", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 37 Then DrawText "K", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 38 Then DrawText "L", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 39 Then DrawText "M", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 40 Then DrawText "N", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 41 Then DrawText "O", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 42 Then DrawText "P", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 43 Then DrawText "Q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 44 Then DrawText "R", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 45 Then DrawText "S", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 46 Then DrawText "T", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 47 Then DrawText "U", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 48 Then DrawText "V", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 49 Then DrawText "W", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 50 Then DrawText "X", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 51 Then DrawText "Y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 52 Then DrawText "Z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 53 Then DrawText "0", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 54 Then DrawText "1", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 55 Then DrawText "2", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 56 Then DrawText "3", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 57 Then DrawText "4", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 58 Then DrawText "5", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 59 Then DrawText "6", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 60 Then DrawText "7", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 61 Then DrawText "8", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 62 Then DrawText "9", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 63 Then DrawText "10", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 64 Then DrawText "-", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 65 Then DrawText "=", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 66 Then DrawText "<", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 67 Then DrawText ">", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 68 Then DrawText ".", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 69 Then DrawText ",", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 70 Then DrawText "(", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 71 Then DrawText ")", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 72 Then DrawText "[", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 73 Then DrawText "]", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 74 Then DrawText "+", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 75 Then DrawText "&", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 76 Then DrawText "#", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 77 Then DrawText ";", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 78 Then DrawText ":", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 79 Then DrawText "@", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 80 Then DrawText "?", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 81 Then DrawText "_", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 82 Then DrawText "%", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 83 Then DrawText "!", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 84 Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10
'If store[p] = 200 Then DrawText "\n", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 0 Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10

If v > 68
cnt = 66
v = 68

p = p + 1
If p > (4080*20)-1 Then p = 4079*20
'If p > 4079 Then p = p - 1


End Function

'writer Manual
Graphics 1024,768,32,60

Global store[4081*20]
Global btg = 0
Global page = 0
Global p = 0
Global psy = 0
Global gfx = 20

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
DrawText "Programed By Mark Ainsworth 210665", 670,745

savedit = ReadStream( ".\userstuff\unencryptedtext.txt" )

If Not savedit
Goto nofile

bt = 0
bt2 = 0
crypta = 0
crypta2 = 3
For jh = 0 To 19
For j = 0 To 4079

If Not Eof(savedit) Then bt2 = ReadByte (savedit)
bt = bt2
btg = 0

If bt = 97 Then btg = 1
If bt = 98 Then btg = 2
If bt = 99 Then btg = 3
If bt = 100 Then btg = 4
If bt = 101 Then btg = 5
If bt = 102 Then btg = 6
If bt = 103 Then btg = 7
If bt = 104 Then btg = 8
If bt = 105 Then btg = 9
If bt = 106 Then btg = 10
If bt = 107 Then btg = 11
If bt = 108 Then btg = 12
If bt = 109 Then btg = 13
If bt = 110 Then btg = 14
If bt = 111 Then btg = 15
If bt = 112 Then btg = 16
If bt = 113 Then btg = 17
If bt = 114 Then btg = 18
If bt = 115 Then btg = 19
If bt = 116 Then btg = 20
If bt = 117 Then btg = 21
If bt = 118 Then btg = 22
If bt = 119 Then btg = 23
If bt = 120 Then btg = 24
If bt = 121 Then btg = 25
If bt = 122 Then btg = 26

If bt = 65 Then btg = 27
If bt = 66 Then btg = 28
If bt = 67 Then btg = 29
If bt = 68 Then btg = 30
If bt = 69 Then btg = 31
If bt = 70 Then btg = 32
If bt = 71 Then btg = 33
If bt = 72 Then btg = 34
If bt = 73 Then btg = 35
If bt = 74 Then btg = 36
If bt = 75 Then btg = 37
If bt = 76 Then btg = 38
If bt = 77 Then btg = 39
If bt = 78 Then btg = 40
If bt = 79 Then btg = 41
If bt = 80 Then btg = 42
If bt = 81 Then btg = 43
If bt = 82 Then btg = 44
If bt = 83 Then btg = 45
If bt = 84 Then btg = 46
If bt = 85 Then btg = 47
If bt = 86 Then btg = 48
If bt = 87 Then btg = 49
If bt = 88 Then btg = 50
If bt = 89 Then btg = 51
If bt = 90 Then btg = 52

If bt = 48 Then btg = 53
If bt = 49 Then btg = 54
If bt = 50 Then btg = 55
If bt = 51 Then btg = 56
If bt = 52 Then btg = 57
If bt = 53 Then btg = 58
If bt = 54 Then btg = 59
If bt = 55 Then btg = 60
If bt = 56 Then btg = 61
If bt = 57 Then btg = 62
If bt = 58 Then btg = 63

If bt = 45 Then btg = 64
If bt = 61 Then btg = 65
If bt = 60 Then btg = 66
If bt = 62 Then btg = 67
If bt = 46 Then btg = 68
If bt = 44 Then btg = 69
If bt = 40 Then btg = 70
If bt = 41 Then btg = 71
If bt = 91 Then btg = 72
If bt = 93 Then btg = 73
If bt = 43 Then btg = 74
If bt = 38 Then btg = 75
If bt = 35 Then btg = 76
If bt = 59 Then btg = 77
If bt = 58 Then btg = 78
If bt = 64 Then btg = 79
If bt = 63 Then btg = 80
If bt = 95 Then btg = 81
If bt = 37 Then btg = 82
If bt = 33 Then btg = 83
If bt = 32 Then btg = 84
If bt = 13 Then btg = 100

bt = btg

If bt > 0 And bt < 85 store[j+(jh*4080)] = bt
If bt = 100 store[j+(jh*4080)] = bt
CloseStream savedit
savedit = WriteStream( ".\userstuff\encryptedtext.txt" )

If Not savedit
Goto nofile2

bt = 0
crypta = 0
crypta2 = 3
For kl = 0 To 19
For j = 0 To 4079
bt = store[j+(kl*4080)]
crypta = crypta + 1
If crypta = 16 Then crypta = 0
bt = bt + crypta + crypta2

WriteInt (savedit, bt)
CloseStream savedit

DrawText "Press Escape Manual has been created", 10,10


Function disppage()
p = page * 4080

For v = 0 To 68
For cnt = 0 To 60
If store[p] = 90 v = v + 1
If store[p] = 90 cnt = 0

If store[p] = 1 Then DrawText "a", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 2 Then DrawText "b", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 3 Then DrawText "c", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 4 Then DrawText "d", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 5 Then DrawText "e", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 6 Then DrawText "f", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 7 Then DrawText "g", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 8 Then DrawText "h", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 9 Then DrawText "i", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 10 Then DrawText "j", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 11 Then DrawText "k", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 12 Then DrawText "l", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 13 Then DrawText "m", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 14 Then DrawText "n", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 15 Then DrawText "o", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 16 Then DrawText "p", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 17 Then DrawText "q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 18 Then DrawText "r", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 19 Then DrawText "s", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 20 Then DrawText "t", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 21 Then DrawText "u", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 22 Then DrawText "v", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 23 Then DrawText "w", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 24 Then DrawText "x", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 25 Then DrawText "y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 26 Then DrawText "z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 27 Then DrawText "A", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 28 Then DrawText "B", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 29 Then DrawText "C", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 30 Then DrawText "D", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 31 Then DrawText "E", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 32 Then DrawText "F", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 33 Then DrawText "G", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 34 Then DrawText "H", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 35 Then DrawText "I", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 36 Then DrawText "J", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 37 Then DrawText "K", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 38 Then DrawText "L", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 39 Then DrawText "M", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 40 Then DrawText "N", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 41 Then DrawText "O", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 42 Then DrawText "P", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 43 Then DrawText "Q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 44 Then DrawText "R", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 45 Then DrawText "S", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 46 Then DrawText "T", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 47 Then DrawText "U", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 48 Then DrawText "V", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 49 Then DrawText "W", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 50 Then DrawText "X", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 51 Then DrawText "Y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 52 Then DrawText "Z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 53 Then DrawText "0", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 54 Then DrawText "1", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 55 Then DrawText "2", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 56 Then DrawText "3", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 57 Then DrawText "4", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 58 Then DrawText "5", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 59 Then DrawText "6", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 60 Then DrawText "7", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 61 Then DrawText "8", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 62 Then DrawText "9", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 63 Then DrawText "10", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 64 Then DrawText "-", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 65 Then DrawText "=", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 66 Then DrawText "<", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 67 Then DrawText ">", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 68 Then DrawText ".", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 69 Then DrawText ",", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 70 Then DrawText "(", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 71 Then DrawText ")", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 72 Then DrawText "[", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 73 Then DrawText "]", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 74 Then DrawText "+", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 75 Then DrawText "&", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 76 Then DrawText "#", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 77 Then DrawText ";", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 78 Then DrawText ":", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 79 Then DrawText "@", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 80 Then DrawText "?", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 81 Then DrawText "_", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 82 Then DrawText "%", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 83 Then DrawText "!", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 84 Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 0 Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10

p = p + 1
If p > 4079 Then p = p - 1


End Function


Mainsworthy(Posted 2011) [#5]
it needs the graphic tiles png and 2 buttons aswell as text to encrypt

Global ssave = LoadImage(".\grafix\back.PNG",flags=ALPHABITS )
Global lload = LoadImage(".\grafix\forward.PNG",flags=ALPHABITS )
Global pics = LoadAnimImage(".\userstuff\pics.PNG",350,695,0,gfx,flags=ALPHABITS )
savedit = ReadStream( ".\userstuff\encryptedtext.txt" )

there all very simple rectangle images
gfx = 20