2D Animation Bone System

Community Forums/Showcase/2D Animation Bone System

therevills(Posted 2011) [#1]
Over the Christmas holidays Ive converted this C code into BlitzMax and added z order to the bones:


I think Ive got it to a stage where I can actually use it in a game.



You see my progress over the few weeks at IndieCodez


This code uses Ziggy's delta timing code


and using the Plants Vs Zombies Zombie graphics.


And here is an example of the bone/animation structure:

The format is this:
# 0 0 0 0 Name 0 image.png 0 0
0,0,0 30,90,0 60,0,0

boneLevel x y angle length name z-order imageFileName imageOffsetX imageOffsetY
time,angle,length time,angle,length

# 0 0 0 0 Root 0

## 0 0 180 43 head 1 incbin::gfx\Zombie_head.png 0 0

### 25 -7 0 55 back 0 incbin::gfx\Zombie_body.png 0 0

#### 0 5 25 20 lleg -3 incbin::gfx\Zombie_innerleg_upper.png 0 0
0,0,0 30,-10,0 60,0,0
##### 0 0 -20 30 lleg2 -2 incbin::gfx\Zombie_innerleg_lower.png -8 0

#### 10 -5 -45 40 rleg -1 incbin::gfx\Zombie_outerleg_upper.png 0 0
0,0,0 30,80,0 60,0,0
##### 0 0 45 50 rleg2 -1 incbin::gfx\Zombie_outerleg_lower.png 0 -5
0,0,0 30,-90,0 60,0,0
### 10 15 70 25 rarm -4 incbin::gfx\Zombie_innerarm_upper.png 0 0
0,0,0 30,-100,0 60,0,0
#### 0 0 75 28 rarm2 -4 incbin::gfx\Zombie_innerarm_lower.png -3 -4
0,0,0 30,-80,0 60,0,0
### 30 10 -23 25 larm 1 incbin::gfx\Zombie_outerarm_upper2.png 0 0
0,0,0 30,100,0 60,0,0
#### 0 0 25 28 larm2 2 incbin::gfx\Zombie_outerarm_lower.png -8 -5
0,0,0 30,-20,0 60,0,0

Last edited 2011

slenkar(Posted 2011) [#2]
nice videos

Pengwin(Posted 2011) [#3]
I like this. It could be well worth looking at further. I can see so many applications for this type of animation, rather than pre-rendered sprites.

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2011) [#4]
Not to mention the people who sucked at animation but can draw really well will be able to take thier art and make it actually animate nice.